Namrhe hailed from the planet Bestine IV originally, but after the Galactic Empire forced its population off their homeworld, he became a nomad and quickly enlisted in the Rebel Alliance. Aboard the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser called Independence, Namrhe served as a gifted pilot, and his comrades considered him "likely to survive."
Captain Keyan Farlander selected Namrhe to be his wingman, along with Omin-Oreh, for what appeared to be a standard escort operation. These three Red Squadron pilots, flying BTL Y-wing starfighters, were tasked with protecting the shuttle named Hunter as it captured an Imperial transport that was ferrying officers to the Death Star.
The Y-wings took off at 0455 hours. By 0547, Namrhe had perished. He died while defending Farlander from Imperial fighters that had been launched from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer named Immortal, as Farlander was trying to stop the transport from being recaptured.