During 19 ABY, the crew operating the starship Wild Karrde, a vessel used for smuggling, set out on a quest to locate Jorj Car'das. They believed he possessed a full version of the highly sought-after Caamas Document. At the time, the New Republic was facing a crisis because a partial copy of this document had been discovered, implicating members of the Bothan species in the destruction of Caamas thirty-eight years prior. This led to widespread anti-Bothan feelings across the galaxy. Obtaining a complete copy was crucial, as it would reveal specific names and potentially clear the Bothans of blame. To help resolve this crisis, Talon Karrde, an information broker, decided to find his former employer, Jorj Car'das. Karrde's team included Shada D'ukal, a former member of the Mistryl Shadow Guard, and the protocol droid C-3PO. Their journey took them deep into the Kathol sector, where they eventually found Car'das with assistance from his aide, Entoo Needaan E-elz. On the legendary world of Exocron, Karrde was surprised to find Car'das appearing old and frail. Nevertheless, Karrde committed the Wild Karrde to the defense of Exocron when Rei'Kas' pirate forces launched an attack. However, the mysterious Aing-Tii monks, who were allied with Car'das, annihilated the pirate fleet. Karrde then realized that Car'das's apparent senility was a deception, and Car'das welcomed Karrde, D'ukal, and C-3PO into his fortress.
Although Car'das didn't possess the Caamas Document itself, he did have a datacard containing information of great value to the New Republic. Shortly before Karrde's mission, the supposedly deceased Grand Admiral Thrawn had resurfaced to lead the Imperial Remnant in a renewed offensive against the New Republic. However, Car'das's datacard revealed that "Thrawn" was actually a con artist named Flim. Using their ability to fold space through the Force, the Aing-Tii monks instantly transported the Wild Karrde across the galaxy to Yaga Minor. There, Karrde met with Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon of the Remnant, who had been excluded from Flim's coup and desired peace with the New Republic.
The Sinister Triumvirate, which included Flim, was thwarted, and a battle that was about to occur at Yaga Minor was prevented. Simultaneously, R2-D2, C-3PO's counterpart, discovered a complete copy of the Caamas Document on the planet Nirauan, effectively resolving the galactic crisis. With the Imperial Remnant once again under his firm command, Pellaeon signed peace accords with President Gavrisom of the New Republic, bringing the long-standing Galactic Civil War to an end.