Ponc Gavrisom, a male Calibop, held the position of Chief of State within the New Republic. He assumed this role following Leia Organa Solo's departure from office, being elected to complete her remaining term. As a senator in the New Republic Senate, Gavrisom was well-regarded for his composed and mediating nature.
History remembers Gavrisom for his role in establishing a lasting peace between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant. He, along with Fleet Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, signed the Bastion Accords in 19 ABY. This event, which occurred aboard the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Chimaera, officially marked the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War.
Gavrisom's election to the New Republic Senate occurred in 11 ABY. He quickly gained recognition for his calm mediation skills during Senate proceedings and became a strong advocate for Chief of State Leia Organa Solo.
After Organa Solo took a leave of absence following the Corellian Insurrection in 18 ABY, the Senate elected Gavrisom to serve out the remainder of her term. During his tenure, the New Republic was almost destroyed by the Caamas Document crisis, and Gavrisom made futile attempts to unite the fractured coalition. He emphasized that Organa Solo was only temporarily away from her position as Chief of State, and that she could be reinstated with a majority vote in the Senate. However, she refused his offer to step aside, believing that changing the leader of the New Republic during such a critical time would be detrimental.
While in orbit around Bothawui, Han and Lando discovered three cloaked Star Destroyers preparing to attack the ships after the battle. Leia assumed control of the Ishori war cruiser she and the President were aboard to assist Han. The President retroactively legalized this action, demonstrating his unwavering faith in her by invoking an obscure law to take command of the ship. When the Imperial fleet revealed itself, Leia advised Gavrisom to identify a leader who could unite both sides of the Caamas debate. Gavrisom reinstated General Lando Calrissian, who then led the combined fleet in forcing the Star Destroyers to retreat.

Several weeks later, Gavrisom signed the peace accords with Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, thereby bringing the Galactic Civil War to a close. Gavrisom played a crucial role in mending the divisions between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant, assisting Pellaeon in establishing a new era of peace and joining Talon Karrde's joint information program. Gavrisom also worked to heal the wounds caused by the Caamas Document crisis, collaborating with Senator Borsk Fey'lya to quell dissent within the Senate.
He oversaw the signing of the peace accords with the Imperial Remnant and, upon her return in 21 ABY, relinquished his office back to Organa Solo.
Han Solo found Gavrisom to be excessively verbose and nicknamed him "Puffers." Conversely, Chewbacca was a strong supporter of Gavrisom, marking one of the few points of disagreement between them.