Hudu Shiv, a Human male operative within Death Watch during the Clone Wars period, was renowned for his exceptional sniper skills. In 21 BBY, he was dispatched to serve Count Dooku, tasked with ensuring the assassination of Commissioner Langu Sommilor from Kynachi prior to their arrival on Coruscant. This mission was intended to further the schemes of Dooku and his master, exploiting the Jedi Padawan Nuru Kungurama. Shiv successfully carried out the assassination; however, he was observed by the Jedi during his escape. Consequently, he was compelled to stage his own demise to safeguard the anonymity of Death Watch.
Hudu Shiv operated as a Human male assassin within the ranks of Death Watch. In 22 BBY, Death Watch received a request from Count Dooku for a sniper, leading to Shiv's assignment. Upon reaching Dooku's retreat on Kohlma, Shiv underwent a series of tests involving remotes to demonstrate his marksmanship. Subsequently, he was dispatched to Vaced with precise instructions to eliminate Langu Sommilor, the Commissioner of Kynachi.

Upon his arrival on the planet of Vaced, Shiv prepared to ambush Sommilor outside of Vaced Spaceport, where the Commissioner was scheduled to meet with an escort. Concealed beneath a camouflage net in a tree, Shiv was discovered by Breaker, a member of the Galactic Republic unit known as Breakout Squad, during a patrol. Following the instructions to maintain the secrecy of Mandalorian involvement in the assassination, Shiv incapacitated Breaker and restrained him, preventing him from revealing the connection to a Mandalorian.
When Sommilor's transport landed on Vaced, Shiv deployed poison darts to assassinate him, along with the two pilots from KynachTech Industries accompanying him. As per Count Dooku's instructions, Shiv left behind the utility belt of Jedi Master Ring-Sol Ambase before attempting to depart. However, he was intercepted by Ambase's Padawan, Nuru Kungurama, who arrived on a stolen swoop while being pursued by a swoop gang. Under orders to keep Kungurama alive, Shiv attempted to evade them. Recognizing that the swoops were faster than his speeder bike, Shiv launched a thermal detonator, anticipating that Kungurama would be able to avoid it. Kungurama successfully evaded the detonator, but the resulting explosion eliminated the swoop gang. Kungurama, accompanied by Gizman, the gang's sole survivor, followed Shiv into the canyon known as Shattered Rock. Shiv then circled back to ambush them. Shiv shot Gizz and caused the swoop to crash.
Shiv checked the young Jedi to see if he was alive, and found that he was not only alive, but conscious. The two engaged in a brief duel before the arrival of the Hasty Harpy, the starship that Kungurama had been traveling on. Shiv employed his jetpack to escape, and when the Hasty Harpy pursued him, he launched a rocket attack against the ship. He then returned to his Pursuer-class enforcement ship and, after detaching the lifeboat, remotely piloted the ship to follow the Harpy, allowing it to be destroyed and deceiving Breakout Squad into believing he was dead. However, the confrontation also resulted in damage to the Hasty Harpy. He then used the lifeboat to reach a nearby space station, where he awaited pickup by a Death Watch vessel, with the hope of one day facing Kungurama again.
Dooku acknowledged Shiv's proficiency as a sniper within Death Watch. Despite taking numerous precautions, Shiv was proud of his abilities and wore a heavily armed set of Mandalorian armor. Shiv demonstrated proficiency in piloting various vehicles and utilizing a jetpack.
Hudu Shiv made an appearance in Ryder Windham's 2011 publication, The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 3: Duel at Shattered Rock.