The leader of the planet Kynachi was known as the Commissioner. Langu Sommilor held this position in 21 BBY. Following a mission carried out on Kynachi by the Galactic Republic Clone trooper unit called Breakout Squad, Sommilor consented to a meeting with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine on Coruscant, the Republic's capital. However, Sommilor, along with his pilots, diverted to Vaced to rendezvous with Breakout Squad. Upon their arrival at Vaced Spaceport, a Mandalorian Death Watch sniper assassinated Sommilor and his pilots. Later, Jedi Padawan Nuru Kungurama uncovered the fact that the commissioner and his pilots were not dead, but were being impersonated by Black Sun operatives.
Ryder Windham's 2011 book, The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 3: Duel at Shattered Rock, features the Commissioner title and the character Langu Sommilor.