Breaker (Breakout Squad)

Breaker, identified as CT-8863, served as a clone trooper within Breakout Squad during the era of the Clone Wars. He earned his designation due to his affinity for technology and played a role in the Mission to Kynachi. Subsequently, he became part of the surviving members of Breakout Squad, accompanying their Jedi Commander Nuru Kungurama on a mission directed towards the Chiss Ascendancy. A forced escape following an assault led them to become ensnared near a black hole alongside a pirate gang. Discovering an ancient Infinity Gate, they successfully broke free. Afterward, they embarked on an escort mission to Vaced, where Commissioner Sommilor met his death. The confrontation with the assassin resulted in the assassin's apparent demise, and Breakout Squad tracked a dataimager to liberate Bilbringi Depot. They uncovered the genuine Sommilor confined within his freighter's cargo hold, and returned him to Coruscant. There, Kungurama faced his long-lost master, Ring-Sol Ambase. Breakout Squad's subsequent task involved escorting Noggox, the Hutt's freighter, to Fondor, where they triumphed over the pirate Dool Pundar. At Foless, they carried out a rescue operation for a group of younglings.


Breakout Squad's formation

CT-8863, later known as Breaker, was a clone trooper serving the Galactic Republic. He was a soldier within the Grand Army of the Republic and a clone derived from the Human bounty hunter Jango Fett. During the Clone Wars, his height was 1.83 meters. His black hair was maintained in a short, cropped style. In the year 21 BBY, he and a squad of troopers under the leadership of Captain Lock were tasked with examining the remnants of a battle that had taken place in the Kaliida Nebula. Breaker discovered a computer from the wreckage of the cruiser Malevolence, which revealed its construction by KynachTech Industries. Due to his technological aptitude, Lock bestowed upon him the moniker "Breaker." Subsequently, the squad was assigned to investigate Kynachi alongside Jedi Master Ring-Sol Ambase. Their ship fell victim to an ambush by Vulture droid starfighters and was destroyed. Breaker, along with Ambase's stowaway Padawan, Nuru Kungurama, and other survivors, utilized an escape pod to reach the planet's surface. They ultimately liberated the world from the control of the Techno Union, earning the name Breakout Squad. They secured transport back to Coruscant aboard the Hasty Harpy, captained by Lalo Gunn.

Lost in the black hole

During their journey, they received directives from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine instructing them to proceed to the Chiss Ascendancy for a meeting at Defense Station Ifpe'a. There, they engaged with Aristocra Sev'eere'nuruodo to discuss a potential alliance and rescued her from a Techno Union assault. After escaping into hyperspace, they found themselves trapped in close proximity to a black hole alongside Hethra Mcgrrrr's pirate gang. Kungurama and Breakout Squad successfully located an ancient Infinity Gate with the assistance of a pair of Sullustan xenoarchaeologists. The Aristocra returned home, while Breakout Squad resumed their course back to Coruscant.

Chase on Vaced

While en route to Coruscant, Breakout Squad received another communication from Chancellor Palpatine, requesting them to divert to Vaced to rendezvous with Kynachi's Commissioner Langu Sommilor and serve as his escort. Shortly after his arrival, the Commissioner was assassinated by a sniper. Chatterbox and Breakout Squad initiated a pursuit of the sniper. The clones boarded Gunn's ship, while Kungurama utilized a swoop bike. The sniper, a Mandalorian, managed to reach his transport and engaged the Hasty Harpy, resulting in both ships crashing and the apparent death of the sniper. Following Breakout Squad's separation from Gunn, Kungurama discovered an imagecaster, leading Breakout Squad to commandeer Sommilor's freighter to Bilbringi Depot, where they once again clashed with Umbrag, successfully recapturing the depot.

Confrontation on Coruscant

After concluding their investigation of the Depot, Breakout Squad determined that the Sommilor who had been killed on Vaced was an impostor; the real Sommilor was rescued from his confinement within the freighter's hold. Clone medics arrived to stabilize the injured Chatterbox, with the majority of Breakout Squad donating blood, with the exception of Sharp. Subsequently, the squad returned to Coruscant with Sommilor. During the hyperspace journey, Umbrag managed to seize Kungurama, but was shot in the process. Kungurama experienced a prophetic dream of a future duel; upon awakening, he shared his concerns with Breaker, who offered reassurance. Upon arriving on Coruscant, Jedi Master Harro Kelpura ordered their freighter to alter its course from the Jedi Temple to his lab in Dacho District, which had been burglarized. The ship sustained damage from a collision with a dropship belonging to a bounty hunter. Despite crashing, the ship managed to take off and escape, and Kungurama, with Breaker's support, confronted his missing master. Breakout Squad was then tasked with investigating the disappearances linked to the Spice Siren.

Pirates and younglings

Breakout Squad's subsequent mission entailed escorting Noggox, the Hutt's freighter, to Fondor. Upon reaching the rendezvous point on Affa, they discovered the aftermath of a massacre, but they persisted in their mission to Fondor, where they defeated the pirate Dool Pundar. Once there, their ally Gizz struck up a friendship with a blind Twi'lek named Kuvuta Pindi. Kungurama agreed to assist her in escorting orphaned younglings to Foless. Upon arrival, they realized Pindi's intention to steal the orphans and initiated a chase. They apprehended Pundar and liberated the younglings, but Pindi was killed.

Personality and traits

Breaker possessed a high level of skill with machinery, enabling him to identify the origins of computer components. He understood that plans were not always reliable and that improvisation was essential. He, along with the rest of Breakout Squad, maintained unwavering loyalty to the Grand Army of the Republic and to their commander, Nuru Kungurama.

Behind the scenes

Breaker made an appearance in Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Secret Missions, a series for young readers authored by Ryder Windham. He and Breakout Squad were first depicted in the comic The Clone Wars: Opress Unleashed, which was released in 2011 as part of Free Comic Book Day and later incorporated into the comic The Clone Wars: Strange Allies.

