Hijacking of Shipment 1037

During 0 ABY, an incident known as the Hijacking of Shipment 1037 unfolded. This event involved a group from the Alliance to Restore the Republic, consisting of two CR90 corvettes along with thirty-six BTL Y-wing starfighters. This Alliance force, spearheaded by the privateer EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate called Far Orbit, set its sights on Shipment 1037. Shipment 1037 was a convoy of Imperial-supporting transports. The location of this event was the Ringali Shell area within the Core Worlds. The Alliance group successfully seized the convoy, and also took control of the Imperial Navy's EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, the New Star, which had been assigned to protect the convoy.


Back in 0 ABY, amidst the Galactic Civil War between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire, the Imperial Navy's EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Far Orbit experienced a mutiny by its crew, removing it from Imperial control. Following this event, the Far Orbit, now under the command of Captain Dhas Fenoep Vedij, transitioned into a privateer starship aligned with the Alliance. Disguised as an Imperial vessel, it started targeting Imperial-aligned shipping transports within the Ringali Shell, a region close to the Core Worlds that encompassed the Bormea and Darpa sectors.

The frigate came across Red Star Shipping Lines' Transport A-175, captained by Joh Steen, near the planet Nopces Prime. During a fabricated Imperial inspection of the transport by the Far Orbit's crew, the privateers discovered that the transport was scheduled to meet with Shipment 1037, a convoy bound for the Outer Rim Territories in three days. Recognizing the convoy as a valuable target, the frigate's crew devised a plan to hijack it en route after accompanying Transport A-175 to its destination. They successfully convinced the Alliance to provide reinforcements, consisting of thirty-six BTL Y-wing starfighters and two CR90 corvettes, to support the Far Orbit.

Adopting the guise of an Imperial frigate sent to reinforce the convoy's security, the Far Orbit integrated itself with the twelve medium transports and their escort frigate, the New Star, led by Captain Miech Conar. The officers of the Far Orbit also manipulated the convoy's course, convincing both the convoy and its guard that they were rendezvousing with a larger escort force, due to a supposedly discovered plot to intercept the transports.

The capture

Upon the convoy's arrival at the new coordinates established by the Far Orbit, the Alliance task force of Y-wings and CR90 corvettes assisted the Far Orbit in its attempt to overwhelm the convoy and its escort. The escort possessed a starfighter complement of twelve TIE/LN starfighters. Ultimately, the Far Orbit and the Alliance succeeded in capturing the entire convoy, including the New Star.


The Far Orbit with the captured convoy

Following the capture of the convoy, which was laden with more than 180,000 tons of various goods, the Alliance and the Far Orbit collectively gained 340 million credits in profits. Moreover, the convoy contained sufficient food to replenish the frigate's supplies, leading the Far Orbit to allocate 18 million credits from its share of the profits to secure these provisions. Given that the Far Orbit had seized the New Star intact, along with its officers and crew, the privateers were awarded an additional 3 million credits. Subsequently, the Far Orbit proceeded to capture Imperial Advisor Coh Veshiv near the planet Esseles.

Behind the scenes

The Hijacking of Shipment 1037 was originally featured in the adventure scenario titled The Hijacking of Shipment 1037, published within The Far Orbit Project by Timothy S. O'Brien. This book served as a supplement to West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and acted as a sequel to the earlier publication, Pirates & Privateers, continuing the theme of the Far Orbit's adventures.

The adventure scenario allows for a variety of approaches to capturing the convoy. The crew of the Far Orbit can either raid A-175 or escort it to the convoy while posing as an Imperial escort. However, the scenario strongly recommends that the Far Orbit escort A-175 to the convoy, which is the course followed in this article. If the players do not consider targeting the convoy after raiding A-175, Vedij, primarily controlled by the gamemaster, will suggest the idea. During the battle, the Far Orbit can only target the New Star for capture if the players fail to secure Alliance assistance. Alternatively, the players can attempt to capture as many transports as possible without the Alliance's help. It is also possible for the players to decide against pursuing the convoy altogether.

If the Far Orbit has Alliance support and the players do not initiate the trap, Vedij will do so by default, turning the Far Orbit and attempting to destroy the New Star. Successfully capturing the New Star undamaged with its crew intact earns the players 3 million credits, while capturing it with serious damage results in 2 million credits. Destroying the New Star yields 1 million credits, but the Far Orbit receives nothing if it escapes. This article assumes that the Far Orbit completed the mission in the most optimal manner. The specific composition of Shipment 1037 remains unclear, as one illustration in the adventure scenario depicts all ships as MB-C1 medium transports, while another shows them as GR-75 medium transports and other freighters.

