Gulvitch, a planet dedicated to mining, existed in the Gulvitch system. Its location was within the Loop Worlds region of the Gordian Reach sector, specifically in the Trans-Hydian section of the Outer Rim Territories. The Junction-Tierell Loop hyperlane provided a connection to both the Arkuda and Bronsoon systems.
The Bagmim and Povanarian species, whose homeworld were Xochtl and Povanaria respectively, colonized Gulvitch many centuries before 43 ABY. In 43 ABY, Gulvitch was a struggling settlement frequented only by spacers down on their luck searching for affordable goods to transport.
The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009 and written by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, first presented Gulvitch, assigning it to grid square Q-6.