
The Bagmims originated from the planet [Xochtl], situated within the Gordian Reach, and were recognized as a sentient species.

Biology and appearance

Known for their height and their prowess in combat when provoked, the Bagmims held a direct seat within the New Republic Senate.


As a member species of the New Republic, the Bagmims maintained representation in the Senate. They contributed to the Republic's naval forces, fighting alongside species like Humans and Povanarians. Towards the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, a Bagmim committee oversaw an Assault Frigate that conducted patrols near the territory of the Imperial Remnant under the command of Admiral [Vriss]. During the Caamas Document crisis, the Bagmim also became part of the coalition against the Bothan species, deploying customs vessels to the Both system to participate in the Second Battle of Bothawui.

