The supreme leader of the Geelan species, with their diverse family units called nests, was the Great Geel, who was also referred to as the Master Greel and the Geeloniran in their native tongue, the Geelan language. This individual was entitled to a portion of every Geelan commercial exchange and oversaw all Geelan-wide business dealings and agreements. It was once speculated that Whisk the Elder, the Geelan who journeyed to the space station Zirtran's Anchor to meet with Admiral Vence Tabok before its disappeared, held the position of Great Geel.
- " Zirtran's Anchor " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 5 (First mentioned)
- Pirates & Privateers
- " Alien Encounters " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 13 (First identified as Geeloniran)
- Alien Encounters