During the era of the Cold War, Gen Vizla, a Human Mandalorian belonging to Clan Vizla, lived and operated. He collaborated with another Mandalorian, Braum Bourne, at Vaiken Spacedock, where they jointly assisted in the training of aspiring bounty hunters. As part of the Great Hunt, Rally Master Merrk Kelborn dispatched these promising individuals to Gen and Braum, who then provided guidance to the future Grand Champion, with both trainers being notably impressed by the young bounty hunter's potential.
Gen Vizla was a character featured in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic within the Bounty Hunter class's Advanced Training mission, prior to its removal from the game. In this mission, players were directed by Rally Master Merrk Kelborn to seek counsel from him and Braum "Zakkeg" Bourne regarding the choice between mastering the Powertech or Mercenary skill sets. Vizla championed the Mercenary specialization, while Bourne favored the Powertech path. His locations included both Vaiken Spacedock and the Mandalorian enclave situated on Dromund Kaas. Notably, in the German localization of Star Wars: The Old Republic, his surname was rendered as "Vizsla," echoing the spelling used for Pre Vizsla and Tor Vizsla.