Braum Bourne, whose alias was "Zakkeg", was a Mandalorian of the male variety. He existed in the era of the Cold War. Dispatched to Vaiken Spacedock by Rally Master Merrk Kelborn, he and Gen Vizla offered guidance to the individual who would become the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, developing a strong admiration for the youthful bounty hunter.
Prior to its removal from the game, Braum "Zakkeg" Bourne was a character featured in the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game. He was part of the Advanced Training mission for the Bounty Hunter class. In this mission, players were directed to him and Gen Vizla by Rally Master Merrk Kelborn to gain insight into choosing either the Powertech or Mercenary skill sets. Bourne championed the Powertech specialization, while Vizla favored the Mercenary path. His locations included both Vaiken Spacedock and the Mandalorian enclave situated on Dromund Kaas.