Toryn Farr

During the Galactic Civil War, a Human female named Toryn Farr held the position of chief communications officer within the Rebel Alliance. She was stationed at Echo Base on the planet Hoth in 3 ABY.


On the planet of Chandrila, Toryn Farr and her sister Samoc grew up in a family devoted to Mon Mothma. To oppose the Galactic Empire, Farr's family, with the assistance of Chandrilan authorities, orchestrated a transport accident, resulting in the supposed deaths of several children, including the Farr sisters. The girls were secretly transported off-world and joined the Rebellion. Samoc, Farr's sister, excelled as a pilot, and both were assigned to Echo Base. Farr's main responsibilities as Chief Controller of Echo Command involved monitoring the space surrounding Hoth and transmitting instructions to troops and spacecraft in the field.

Toryn in the command center of Echo Base.

During the Battle of Hoth, she directed the base's ion cannon, determining when it should fire upon Imperial ships in orbit. Notably, she issued the order that crippled the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer named Tyrant, which allowed the first GR-75 medium transport, the Quantum Storm, to break through the blockade, marking the initial exchanges of the battle.

Toryn was among the last of the Rebels to evacuate Echo Base, only abandoning her post after Princess Leia Organa gave the order for the final retreat. After sending the evacuation code to the remaining soldiers and pilots still fighting the Imperial forces, she was the last individual to depart from the command center. Toryn escaped aboard the Bright Hope, the final transport to leave Hoth.

Before boarding the transport, Toryn was shocked to witness a large number of severely wounded soldiers lying on the flight deck. Her sister, Samoc Farr, a skilled snowspeeder pilot, was among the injured. Discovering that her sister had been shot down made her realize the true devastation of the battle that had occurred.

Toryn played a crucial role in providing the wounded with the necessary time to board the transport before snowtroopers stormed the hangar. However, the time spent loading the wounded onto the ship ultimately led to the Bright Hope's demise, as it was quickly disabled during its attempt to break through the blockade before it could jump to hyperspace.

Stranded and crippled in space with little chance of survival, Toryn took command of the remaining survivors and devised a plan to save as many Rebel lives as possible. Three escape pods containing eighteen of the most valuable personnel to the Rebel cause were launched back towards Hoth, in the hope that they might survive.

Farr and the bounty hunters

Before the Imperials could capture the survivors of the Bright Hope, the bounty hunters Zuckuss and 4-LOM boarded the ship. They pretended to be rescuers, but they were actually responsible for attacking the Bright Hope and preventing its escape. Their real intention was to use the Rebels as bait to capture Han Solo and hand him over to Darth Vader.

After a brief fight, Toryn persuaded the bounty hunters to take all ninety remaining Rebels on board and transport them to the Rebel underground on Darlyn Boda. Before leaving the ship, she meticulously erased all computer records, preventing crucial information, including the identities of many personnel who had served at Echo Base, from falling into Imperial hands.

Following a month spent on Darlyn Boda after her escape from Hoth, Toryn finally rejoined the Rebel fleet at the secret rendezvous point. For her courageous leadership in rescuing the survivors of the Bright Hope, she was promoted to the rank of Commander in a ceremony led by General Carlist Rieekan aboard the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate named Redemption.

She was also placed in command of a unit of Alliance Special Forces, with her first assignment being the rescue of the eighteen members of the Bright Hope who had been ejected back to Hoth.

Behind the scenes

Brigitte Kahn portrayed Toryn Farr. A woman with a similar appearance to Farr is present in A New Beginning, but it was not confirmed that this controller was the same character.

Farr introduced the Raid Battles during the limited-time Operation Hoth Defensive Event in the 2013 card game app Star Wars: Force Collection. She was assigned Grond's line. Participation in the Event was optional for players.

