
The sentient species known as Tynnans originated on the planet Tynna within the Expansion Region. Evolving from aquatic mammals, their bodies were covered by brown fur along with a substantial layer of insulating blubber. This adaptation allowed them to thrive in the frigid oceans of their homeworld. This resulted in a plump physique which, paired with their diminutive size, caused many to perceive them as adorable and chubby. They possessed dark noses, limited eyesight, and pointed ears. Their snouts featured a pair of buckteeth, remnants of their evolutionary past that diminished in size with each successive generation. Tynnans were recognized as an astute and intelligent people, particularly noted for their patient strategic thinking. Their governmental structure stood out due to its selection of officials through a lottery system. As a result, most Tynnans maintained a strong understanding of civic affairs and other pertinent subjects, preparing for potential selection into public office. This was especially critical given that their economy was centrally managed by the government.

Scouts from the Galactic Republic discovered the Tynnans, leading to their integration into broader galactic society. While permitting economic and corporate growth by the Republic, the Tynnans diligently ensured it was conducted with comprehensive environmental protections, preserving the unspoiled beauty of their world. The Tynnan government wisely channeled all profits back into their society, enabling Tynna to become one of the wealthiest worlds per capita within the Republic. During the period of the Clone Wars, a suspected act of terrorism on their planet, involving stone mites, motivated the Tynnans to withdraw from the Republic. Tynna subsequently rejoined the Republic, but their careful resource management clashed with the Imperial governor assigned to their world after the Republic transitioned into the Galactic Empire. The Empire eventually attempted an invasion of Tynna, but a powerful [planetary shield](/article/planetary_shield/legends], installed in anticipation of such an event, shielded Tynna from the assault. Later, during the Yuuzhan Vong War in 26 ABY, they were invaded and taken over by the Yuuzhan Vong, who proceeded to terraform their planet. Following the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong, at least one Tynnan diplomat collaborated with the New Republic's successor, the Galactic Alliance.

Tynna's prosperity enabled many Tynnans to journey beyond their home planet. Cham and Nog Teleus were two such individuals, establishing themselves in the Cularin system and sponsoring various events there. Senator Streamdrinker, who was apprehended for treason against the Empire, also deserves mention. Odumin, a Tynnan who achieved the influential position of Territorial Administrator for the Corporate Sector Authority, was a well-known Tynnan in the private sector. Dawson, a Tynnan who operated as a professional thief within the galactic criminal world, was less well-known.

Biological Traits and Physical Attributes

A pair of Tynnans

Tynnans, standing at an average height of 1.4 meters, were diminutive, sentient mammals. They possessed a pair of arms and two legs. While they walked upright on land, they were also proficient swimmers. Their bodies were covered in brown fur and a substantial layer of blubber, which provided insulation against the chilly waters of their homeworld, Tynna. They could comfortably withstand temperatures as low as -50 degrees Celsius. This insulation contributed to their chubby appearance, which many species found endearing. However, their considerable strength, endurance, and intelligence defied their unassuming appearance. At least one Tynnan exhibited Force-sensitivity.

Each Tynnan had a short snout that ended in whiskers, a dark nose, and two prominent buckteeth. These incisors were a vestige of their ancestors, who used them to gnaw wood for building river dams. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, this behavior had long ceased, resulting in shorter teeth with each subsequent generation. Tynnans had small black eyes and poor eyesight, which they compensated for with ocular enhancers and exceptional natural hearing and sense of smell. They emitted a cheeping sound when experiencing pain.

Tynnans could hold their breath for extended periods, allowing them to spend nearly as much time in the water as on land. Consequently, many settlements were located near water, including Water Park and Lutris Lake, and Tynnans enjoyed games such as water-wall. Their paws—five-digit hands and three-digit feet—featured both claws and webbing, and they possessed long, rudder-like tails. The Tynnan species consisted of two sexes: male and female.

Social Structure and Traditions

Two Tynnans and a H'drachi

Tynnans were known for their pragmatic nature. They avoided religion and mythology, believing that these often led to conflict. They were meticulous planners who paid close attention to every detail, and they executed these plans with great enthusiasm and dynamism.

For thousands of years, the Tynnans chose their government representatives through a planet-wide lottery. Those selected served for one year, after which they were ineligible for reselection for the following six years. Prior to 22 BBY, the government operated from the Tynna Central Government Building, and later from the Tanallay Surge complex, which housed both legislative and recreational facilities. Due to the random selection process, most Tynnans pragmatically stayed informed about political and governmental matters in case they were chosen to serve in the legislature. However, some Tynnans, such as Dawson, rejected this system. An impulsive and carefree youth, Dawson fled the planet after being selected in the lottery.

Tynnan society operated under a state-run economy, where the government reinvested all industrial profits back into the community. This funding provided all Tynnans with complimentary housing, education, food, and entertainment. However, many chose to enhance their living standards by dedicating themselves to the arts and sciences or by hunting the native suuri, which was a staple of their diet. The Tynnans developed their economic structures and state infrastructure in collaboration with Republic conglomerates, while carefully protecting their environment to ensure it remained largely unspoiled by development. All Tynnans were equal under the law, and their society placed significant emphasis on enabling individuals to pursue their own interests, balanced by a focus on taking responsibility for one's actions.

Due to their thick fur, Tynnans typically did not wear clothing. However, they did wear belts with numerous pouches for carrying items. Tynnans had their own language but were also known to speak Basic.

Historical Overview

Discovery and Early Period

Tynnans were known for their small stature and unassuming appearance

The Tynnan homeworld, a forested world situated in a sheltered area of the Expansion Region, was discovered by Republic scouts during the Great Manifest Period, between 20,000 BBY and 15,000 BBY. Tynna was located along a stable hyperlane that became known as the Shipwrights' Trace. Following negotiations with the astute Tynnans, the Republic initiated large-scale corporate development of the world, while carefully safeguarding its natural beauty. The Tynnan share of the resulting profits was reinvested into society, and Tynna became one of the most prosperous worlds per capita in the Republic. Tynna remained within the Republic throughout the Great Sith War but was part of a small region of the Trailing Sectors captured by Darth Revan's Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War from 3959 BBY to 3956 BBY. Tynna was reintegrated into the Republic, where it remained during the New Sith Wars. At some point during Tynna's membership in the Republic, a collection of Sith artifacts was concealed on the planet, later to be discovered by the Jedi Order while preventing the rise of a Sith cult.

Transition from Republic to Empire

Dawson, demolition extraordinaire

The Tynnan government became a significant business partner in the Corporate Sector after its establishment in 500 BBY. In 22 BBY, the Clone Wars erupted: a large-scale galactic conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Tynna was targeted by the Confederacy as one of several worlds with discontented alien populations, including Ando and Sy Myrth. That year, Tynna experienced a suspected terrorist attack: the Tynna Central Government Building was completely destroyed within two hours by an infestation of stone mites. Displeased with the Republic's and Jedi's failure to prevent the incident, the newly selected planetary leader, Razelfiin, announced her intention to contact Count Dooku and leave the Republic. Although Tynna seceded from the Republic shortly thereafter, they rejoined the Republic before the war's end, with their governmental representative, Senator Streamdrinker, serving in the Galactic Senate until 19 BBY.

Following the Republic's victory over the Confederacy and the subsequent transition to the Galactic Empire, an Imperial governor was appointed to Tynna. With little regard for their systems, the Governor was determined to increase the Tynnans' profit-generating capacity and pressured the legislature to comply with his objectives. Despite their accommodation, the governor remained unsatisfied. The Empire eventually launched a full-scale invasion of the planet. However, Tynnan foresight had anticipated such a move: an impenetrable planetary shield enabled them to resist the invasion and protect their planet from conquest. At one point, the Alliance to Restore the Republic considered establishing a base on the planet but ultimately rejected the location in favor of Yavin 4. The Hutt Borga Besadii Diori ran spice through Tynna, overseen by her agent Crev Bombaasa.

Subsequent History

Two Tynnans with Imperial agents

Tynna later became part of the New Republic, and from 7 ABY to 9 ABY, it served as one of several New Republic strongholds. During the New Republic's rule, the renowned geneticist Mammon Hoole included an entry on the Tynnans in his publication The Essential Guide to Alien Species. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Tynna fell to a Yuuzhan Vong force consisting of several warships. Although the Battle of Tynna was observed by some New Republic Intelligence officers, they were unable to prevent the planet's fall. The Tynnan defense force numbered no more than 200 starfighters and quickly succumbed to the invaders. With the space battle lost, members of the Peace Brigade managed to deceive the Tynnans into surrendering the world without resistance. A group of 200 Tynnans met the Yuuzhan Vong landing forces outside the Tanallay Surge complex to surrender the planet. The conquerors swiftly began bioforming the planet's oceans. The blue waters turned a sickly pale yellow and were prepared to cultivate dovin basals and communications villips for use in later stages of the Yuuzhan Vong conquest. The Yuuzhan Vong also forced Tynnans into slave camps to re-educate and train them as caretakers for the growths. Dovin basals from Tynna were later used in the conquest of Caluula Station. Those Tynnans who managed to escape their planet joined the already large numbers of galactic refugees in the Republic, and their particular experiences at the hands of the invaders further heightened refugee fears. This gave the Senate Select Committee for Refugees renewed impetus to establish safe corridors and transit points.

The Yuuzhan Vong were eventually defeated in 29 ABY by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, a coalition of polities that replaced the New Republic. The Tynnans had diplomatic representation with the Galactic Alliance. However, following the Alliance's defeat, Tynna became part of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire.

Tynnans' Influence in the Galaxy

A Tynnan

Bowspritz was a Tynnan Jedi Master who was active sometime before the Ruusan Reformation. Thanks to their planet's wealth and the state-run economy, many Tynnans were able to travel the galaxy as tourists. Cham and Nog Teleus were two such Tynnans who settled off-world. Around 29 BBY, they relocated to the Cularin system after amassing fortunes in industry. The pair hosted a large celebration to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the Cularin Compact, during which some of their artworks were stolen. The recovery of these items eventually led to the rescue of Jedi Knight Ji-Ad Sarain, who had been frozen in carbonite. Another notable Tynnan during this period was Senator Streamdrinker, who served in the Senate as a result of his election by lottery and was a signatory on the Petition of 2000—a group of senators urging the Supreme Chancellor to relinquish some of the emergency powers granted to him for the duration of the Clone Wars. This political association later resulted in his arrest by Imperial Intelligence as one of sixty-three senators charged with conspiracy and treason in connection with the Jedi Insurgency. Along with peers such as Senators Grebleips and Fang Zar, Streamdrinker was held in custody and encouraged to name his accomplices.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Tynnan Odumin achieved the powerful position of Territorial Administrator in the Corporate Sector Authority. He received his promotion after an undercover mission in which he saved the life of High Inquisitor Laddinare Torbin from an attack by the religious cult known as the Church of the First Frequency. Following his promotion, he kept his identity as a Tynnan a secret, allowing him to continue on undercover missions. In this role, he dismantled numerous slaving and criminal operations in the Corporate Sector, such as the Xiochi slaver gang. On one notable undercover mission, he posed as a debt collector named Spray. Working alongside Han Solo, he managed to stop a highly placed slaver ring. Odumin later published his memoirs and was regarded as a hero on his homeworld. His success encouraged many Tynnans to take more active roles in the galaxy.

A less fortunate Tynnan was the professional thief and demolitions expert Dawson. After spending eighteen years free of responsibility on Tynna, he was selected in the lottery to fill a role in the Tynnan government. Horrified by the prospect, he fled and eventually joined up with Cecil Noone and his crew of professional thieves. Dawson contributed his demolitions skills to their tasks, most notably in the heist of a Hapan Gun of Command from the Ithorian Herdship Song of the Clouds. The team struggled to find a buyer for their unique item and was forced to approach the dangerous Krish hunter Tyro Viveca. This contact turned the tables on Noone, hunting the thief in his compound on Kabal. It was only Dawson's demolitions skills that enabled the team of thieves to defeat Viveca and escape the planet.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, a number of Tynnans escaped the slave camps on their world and joined the numerous refugees circulating the galaxy. Following the establishment of the Galactic Alliance, a Tynnan diplomat accompanied Alliance commander Gar Stazi on a peace-keeping observation tour to Kuthard in the Sepan sector.

Behind-the-Scenes Information

The Tynnans made their debut in Brian Daley's 1979 novel, Han Solo's Revenge. Author Daniel Wallace has mentioned that Tynnans are among his favorite species.

