Evacuation of Horob

Circa 2 ABY, the Galactic Empire discovered the Rebel Alliance's research facility located on the planet Horob, which forced the Rebels to evacuate.

NeelaAndStasheffEscape-AJ10 Sayer Mon Neela and Raan Stasheff make their escape from the hostile Horobians. The Imperial Hazard, a Victory_-class Star Destroyer, was sent to obliterate the poorly defended Rebel installation. Sayer Mon Neela, the Rebel leader and master strategist, received orders to evacuate promptly, but refused to abandon the base. She directed Captain Heedon's luxury yacht, the Starcrossed, toward the Imperial Star Destroyer and ordered the Imperial Hazard to surrender. Sergus Lanox, the Imperial Captain, was intrigued and charmed by the headstrong woman and agreed to meet her on his ship. Utilizing a piece of experimental tech designed on Horob, Neela was able to disrupt the Destroyer's computer systems. The Imperial Hazard began to descend, pulling the Starcrossed along with it due to their connection via an umbilical corridor. Soon after, Lanox commanded his stormtroopers to board the yacht, resulting in a firefight within the umbilical. Stasheff sustained injuries, but the stormtroopers had to retreat back to the Destroyer due to the corridor depressurizing. Amidst the chaos, Neela escaped the Star Destroyer, surprisingly aided by Lanox, who stole a quick kiss before her departure. With the warship incapacitated, the Starcrossed easily jumped to hyperspace and arrived at Carosi XII. Sayer Mon Neela's mission aboard the Imperial Hazard enabled the Rebels on Horob to evacuate successfully.

Following this engagement, Grand Admiral Miltin Takel personally awarded Lanox the Distinguished Medal of Imperial Honor.

