During the Galactic Civil War, a criminal figure named Didina Lippinoss plied her trade on Corellia. She operated out of the city of Tyrena, where she executed various shady dealings for Corporate Sector Authority Viceprex Karrek Flim. These actions ultimately embroiled her in a direct conflict with the ambitious crime lord, Crev Bombaasa.
Based in an office located within a Tyrena hotel on Corellia, Didina Lippinoss was a minor criminal who provided numerous services to Karrek Flim, a Viceprex within the Corporate Sector Authority, with whom she also had a romantic involvement. Under Flim's direction, she undertook "tasks he preferred to keep hidden," as crime lord Crev Bombaasa delicately put it.
Sometime between 1.5 ABY and 3 ABY, Lippinoss engaged a spacer to retrieve records that implicated Flim in the environmentally damaging practice of clear-cutting several ancient forests in the Corellian system. She insisted to the spacer that the records were fabricated, instructing him to locate Bin Huusir, the slicer in possession of the files, and return them to her discreetly. Huusir did not attempt conversation; instead, he immediately opened fire on the spacer. After subduing Huusir, the spacer delivered the data to Lippinoss and received payment and her gratitude.
However, Lippinoss failed to recognize that the spacer's loyalty was not to her, and he was willing to accept a job from Crev Bombaasa to blackmail her. Bombaasa, working for Shalera the Hutt, sought to obtain incriminating evidence against Viceprex Flim and had Lippinoss placed under surveillance. He subsequently hired the spacer to transport the findings of this surveillance from his Bothan informant, Sli'woon Biul, who was situated outside Tyrena, back to Bombaasa in the Tyrena cantina.
Bombaasa found the report, which Biul described as "quite entertaining," to be satisfactory. He believed that releasing it, under Shalera's orders, would generate intriguing gossip if the Viceprex failed to meet the Hutt's demands. Moreover, Bombaasa thought that presenting a copy of the report to Lippinoss herself would pressure her into providing him with confidential data from the Corporate Sector Authority to prevent its release. Bombaasa directed the spacer to a secret meeting with Meeko, Lippinoss's servant, on the outskirts of Tyrena. Meeko accepted the document but cautioned the spacer that her employer would not yield to any blackmail attempts.
The warning proved accurate; Lippinoss refused to comply with Bombaasa's demands. Instead, she hired a Trandoshan bounty hunter named Morrng to assassinate Bombaasa. Bombaasa then paid the spacer to "eliminate" Morrng, which the spacer accomplished just outside Tyrena. Following Morrng's elimination, Bombaasa voiced his frustration with Lippinoss's actions and his belief that only one of them would survive their conflict. Despite the threat posed by Lippinoss, Bombaasa continued to gain power and was still alive as late as 29 ABY.
Didina Lippinoss displayed a courteous and friendly demeanor towards individuals like the unidentified spacer, but she was considered "frustrating" and "exasperating" by adversaries such as Crev Bombaasa. Despite her seemingly harmless appearance, she possessed the pragmatism to instruct subordinates to execute her orders by any necessary means and the ruthlessness to commission the assassination of rival criminals.
Didina Lippinoss is a non-player character (NPC) in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars Galaxies. She serves as the instigator of an assassination-style mission and as supporting material in various missions assigned by NPC Crev Bombaasa. Galaxies was initially set in 1.5 ABY, but with the introduction of the Battle of Hoth, the game's timeline advanced to 3 ABY without any noticeable changes to other content, leaving the timeline of Lippinoss's activities ambiguous. Internet-based game guides indicate that her questline was once more extensive, but since she and Bombaasa were both introduced before the "new game enhancements" that overhauled quest functionality, her role now appears to have been shortened.
The Lippinoss and Bombaasa quests in Star Wars Galaxies can be undertaken in the reverse order of that presented in this article. Lippinoss will still employ the spacer and make no mention of the spacer working against her. This article assumes the Lippinoss quest precedes the Bombaasa quest for ease of summarization, but it is also plausible that Lippinoss's informants simply failed to inform her of the unidentified spacer's betrayal.