Karrek Flim

Karrek Flim held the position of Viceprex within the Corporate Sector Authority.


During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Karrek Flim conducted his operations on Corellia, with Vreni Island serving as his primary base. He shared both a romantic and professional relationship with Didina Lippinoss, whom he utilized to carry out various illicit endeavors.

Sometime between the years of 1.5 ABY and 3 ABY, Flim was connected to the destruction of multiple ancient forests located within the Corellian system. Didina Lippinoss then engaged a traveling spacer to retrieve records that would incriminate Flim. Simultaneously, Shalera, a Hutt, developed an interest in Flim and subsequently employed Crev Bombaasa to gather evidence against him. This was achieved by having Lippinoss monitored by Sli'woon Biul, a Bothan informant. Bombaasa intended to reveal details of Lippinoss's criminal actions, which were committed on behalf of Flim, if Flim failed to meet Shalera's demands. In addition, Bombaasa attempted to coerce Lippinoss into transferring confidential CSA information from Flim to Bombaasa, but she refused to cooperate.

Concurrently, one of Flim's subordinates sought to tarnish his reputation by hiring a data slicer to manipulate shipping documents, aiming to portray Flim as both incompetent and corrupt. Upon discovering this scheme, Vinya Maysor, an employee of Flim, hired her own slicer to alter records in a way that would make the subordinate appear foolish instead.

