
Meeko, a Talz, functioned as the attendant to the felonious Didina Lippinoss. In the year 2 ABY, Crev Bombaasa, a different wrongdoer employed by Shalera the Hutt, a rival of Lippinoss, dispatched a spacer to rendezvous with Meeko in the wilds of Corellia. Bombaasa's objective was to use an assembled dossier of compromising details about Lippinoss for blackmail, but Meeko communicated to the spacer that Lippinoss would refuse any dealings with Bombaasa, and consequently dispatched the spacer back. Following this, Lippinoss employed a bounty hunter with the intent to eliminate Bombaasa.

Behind the scenes

Possible depictions of Meeko

The single instance of Meeko's presence thus far is within Star Wars Galaxies, where Meeko is featured as a non-player character located on Corellia. Because of the methods utilized by the game's creators in the quest design, the NPC's physical form, sex, and species are subject to change each time the mission is undertaken by a player. As such, there is no authoritative portrayal of the character's appearance or gender, however Meeko's species is stated by Bombaasa, and is therefore considered canon.

