Davit Berek

Davit Berek was a Human male residing on the planet of Pamorjal amidst the Galactic Civil War time period.


Berek joined the Pamorjal Freeman's League, a group resisting the mega-corporations' activities on Pamorjal. In 3 ABY, Thaum Rystra, a Dark Jedi, journeyed to Pamorjal while being chased by Rebel Alliance operatives, and he swayed the PFL into believing the agents were actually representatives of TaggeCo. Berek spearheaded a PFL assault team in an offensive against the agents near the Temples of Vormijj, but he later understood that Rystra had deceived the League. Overcome with remorse, as the PFL had obliterated the agents' starship, Berek provided them with the Celestial Dancer, a YT-2000 light freighter belonging to the League.

