
Crik was a male Imperial officer holding the rank of general during the initial period of the New Order's reign. Based at Tremor Base, located on the heavily forested world of Otavon XII, Crik's responsibility was overseeing the construction of All Terrain Armored Transports during 19 BBY. The building process was hampered by a series of attacks launched by the indigenous Ovoni. Consequently, Emperor Palpatine sent his apprentice, Darth Vader, to ensure the resumption of construction. After Vader successfully thwarted an Ovoni offensive, he ventured into the forests to subdue the remaining rebels. This departure left Crik, a naturally apprehensive individual, concerned about both his own well-being and the security of the base. Crik's anxieties materialized when the Ovoni managed to summon native sugati creatures, which then effectively demolished the base in Vader's absence.


In 19 BBY, Crik held the rank of general within the Galactic Empire's military forces. He was a male officer. His assignment was at Tremor Base, an Imperial installation dedicated to the manufacturing of All Terrain Armored Transport walkers. This base was situated on the wooded planet known as Otavon XII. The Ovoni, the planet's native inhabitants, developed a strong aversion to the Imperial presence on their homeworld. They resolved to use force to remove the Imperials. Their repeated attacks proved disruptive to the walker construction, which led Emperor Palpatine to dispatch his apprentice, Darth Vader, to get Crik and his forces back on track.

Crik worries about his safety as Vader departs Tremor Base.

Upon his arrival on Otavon XII, Vader played a crucial role in repelling an assault by the Ovoni against the base. Once the battle concluded, Crik cautiously emerged from the base's protective confines and earnestly pleaded with the [Dark Lord of the Sith](/article/dark_lord_of_the_sith-legends] not to engage in any unnecessary risks by directly confronting the native population. Subsequently, he followed Vader back into the base, voicing his concerns regarding the ongoing attacks, despite the dwindling numbers of Ovoni rebels. The Dark Lord declared his intention to deal with the natives, emphasizing that Crik's sole focus should be the timely completion of the walkers.

The following morning, at dawn, perimeter sensors detected activity on the outskirts of the base. This prompted Vader, Crik, and a squad of clone stormtroopers to exit the base to confront the source of the disturbance. When Vader spotted an individual, Crik immediately ordered his troops to open fire. However, Vader countermanded the order when the individual identified himself as a wounded stormtrooper. The clone collapsed, revealing that the Ovoni were being led by a Jedi. In response, Crik ordered a doubling of the snipers stationed on the base's walls. As Vader prepared to confront the Jedi, Crik urgently requested his return to the base, fearing an attack in the Sith Lord's absence. Vader dismissed his concerns, assuring the General that he was safe within the well-defended outpost. The Dark Lord added, with a veiled threat, that Crik would only face danger if he failed to complete the construction of the AT-ATs by the time of Vader's return.

Deeper into the forest, Vader triumphed over a group of Ovoni led by the Jedi Padawan Dendro before proceeding to locate and confront the Jedi's Master. During his pursuit, Crik contacted him via hologram, speculating that the Jedi was likely located on Mount Dijandi, a peak beyond scanner range. Once again, the General implored Vader to return, citing the construction delays due to his lack of the Sith's influence over the work crew. Vader, labeling him a coward, instructed Crik to immediately execute the least productive worker, and warned him not to further distract him. Vader eventually encountered the Jedi Master, Hylon, on the summit of Mount Dijandi and killed him. However, upon his return to Tremor Base, Vader discovered that the base and everything within it had been completely destroyed by native sugati creatures. These creatures had been summoned by a sound emitter planted by the Ovoni.

Personality and traits

General Crik was a man of timid disposition, and he developed a fear of the Ovoni of Otavon XII after their persistent attacks on Tremor Base, despite their lack of success. Darth Vader attributed Crik's lack of command over the work crews, and consequently the delays in AT-AT construction, to his cowardly nature. The General consistently urged Vader to remain at the outpost for security, but Vader disregarded him, believing Tremor Base to be adequately protected. This assessment proved incorrect when the sugati destroyed the base while Vader was away.

Behind the scenes

Star Wars: Purge: The Hidden Blade, a comic penned by W. Haden Blackman and illustrated by Chris Scalf, featured General Crik. The comic was released on April 7, 2010.

