Command Base, situated within the Roche asteroid field, was an asteroid under the control of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Commander Gial Ackbar utilized this asteroid as his central command post while overseeing the Shantipole Project.
The Command Base took the form of an asteroid shaped like an hourglass. Its external surface was dotted with illuminated repulsor beam projectors and air vents. The asteroid's interior was sculpted directly from the rock, resulting in corridors and ceilings of varying dimensions. Control panels and various pieces of equipment were integrated into the walls, creating an environment that blended advanced technology with a cavernous feel. Low-intensity track lighting provided illumination throughout the facility.
The command center formed the core of the Command Base. The walls of this central hub were lined with computer screens, which monitored the Roche system and the surrounding Roche asteroid field. The base's personnel were responsible for coordinating activities among the other asteroid colonies involved in the B-wing initiative. While Research Station Shantipole managed the B-wing's design and construction, other asteroids provided support for supplies and communications. A prominent holo-tank occupied one side of the room, and the command center's main console offered control over the base's blast doors.
Adjacent to the command center was the base's dedicated communications hub. This room was equipped with numerous control consoles and chairs positioned along the walls. A large, transparent plastic display in the center of the room depicted the projected paths of larger asteroids within the asteroid belt.
For emergency situations, an auxiliary command center was located near the lifeboat bay, complete with computers and communications equipment.
The Command Base's living quarters were primarily a large communal barracks, a layout favored by the Verpines. Along one wall, five small, separate rooms were reserved for Commander Gial Ackbar and his Alliance team. The base also featured a recreation area furnished with tables, chairs, a food dispenser, and a dejarik table.
A dedicated storage section housed supplies for both the Verpine and Alliance personnel. This area contained most of the items needed by the base's occupants, with the exception of weapons. A medical center was also available on the asteroid, featuring eight beds, a single bacta tank, and a surgical area separated by curtains.
The main hangar bay was carved directly into the asteroid, revealing the reddish-brown stone beneath. Its high ceiling contrasted with its narrow walls, which could barely accommodate a light freighter alongside a pair of asteroid hoppers. A control tower, complete with instrument panels and cooling equipment, was mounted on one wall, overlooking the hangar deck.
The hangar bay had two exits. The primary exit was a wide stone passage that connected to a corridor leading to the communications center, living quarters, and main power generators. The secondary exit provided direct access to the base's recreation area.
At the opposite end of the asteroid was a lifeboat bay, designed for smaller vessels and most of the asteroid hopper traffic. This bay featured three medium-sized lifeboats recessed into the outer wall, ready for immediate deployment. Each lifeboat could carry up to fifteen passengers.
Five-meter tall main power generators supplied energy to the Command Base, housed within a rocky chamber near the hangar bay. Catwalks, accessible via ladders, encircled the upper sections of the generators, with pipes extending from the machinery into the stone walls to distribute power throughout the base. An auxiliary power unit, located in a room near the main generators alongside an auxiliary coolant system, provided backup power.
The Command Base's life support systems included atmosphere generators mounted on reinforced permacite bases that were meter-thick. A network of pipes extended from these machines into the rocky walls, providing air to the entire base. The hollowed-out room had three airlocks leading to the asteroid's exterior, as well as a wall locker containing ten space suits.
Additionally, the Command Base was equipped with three tall, silver repulsor beam generators, interconnected by a series of thin filaments. Each generator provided the necessary power to shield the asteroid from collisions within the asteroid field.
The Command Base was staffed by a crew of fifty Verpine individuals and a team of six members from the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Commander Ackbar led the Alliance contingent, supported by his lieutenants Salin Glek and Netrem Pollard. Suskafoo, a Verpine, served as a mediator between the Verpine population and the Alliance personnel.