Salin Glek was a male Quarren who was raised deep within the aquatic world of Dac. Serving as one of Gial Ackbar's subordinates, Glek participated in the Shantipole Project until he committed treason against the admiral by siding with Bane Nothos. He absconded with the Out Runner during his escape.
Growing up in the submerged underbelly of a floating city on the planet Dac, Salin Glek was a male Quarren. Though he harbored animosity towards his Mon Calamarian neighbors, he kept his feelings hidden. He enlisted in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, steadily advancing through the ranks to become a Lieutenant and a key aide to Commander Gial Ackbar on the Shantipole Project in the Roche asteroid field. Secretly, he acted as a spy for the Galactic Empire, planning to use the Empire to inflict suffering on the Mon Calamari for what he perceived as their offenses against the Quarren. His Imperial contact was District Commander Bane Nothos, whom Glek kept informed about the progress of the new two-man B-wing starfighter being developed at Research Station Shantipole. As the B-wing prototypes approached completion, Glek notified Nothos, giving him time to assemble a fleet for an attack to seize the prototypes upon receiving a final signal.
An engineer revealed to Glek that the two B-wing prototypes were ready for flight, but Glek withheld this information from Ackbar. Three days after transmitting the signal, Glek encountered an Alliance team arriving at the base with a high-priority holodisc for Ackbar directly from Mon Mothma. Glek tried to intercept the disc, but the team was under orders to deliver it only to Ackbar. The team met with Ackbar, and the holodisc was designated private for Ackbar and the Alliance team; Glek was asked to leave the room while Mon Mothma's message was played, but instead, he commandeered the team's starship, the Out Runner, and fled to Nothos' flagship. He also sent the final attack command to Nothos and disabled two asteroid hoppers during his escape.
During the Empire's assault on the Project, Glek landed the Out Runner on Research Station Shantipole and oversaw Imperial technicians as they loaded the prototype B-wing starfighters onto a shuttle. He clashed with the Alliance team as they attempted to reclaim the prototypes.
Glek was a resentful and spiteful Quarren, particularly hating the Mon Calamari and Ackbar. His betrayal of the Alliance was motivated not by greed or ambition, but purely by malice. Glek skillfully concealed his true feelings, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to betray the Alliance and Ackbar.
Glek was skilled with a blaster and capable of piloting a starship. He was also a convincing liar and [con man](/article/con_artist-legends], adept at bypassing security systems. As a Quarren, Glek was a proficient swimmer, able to breathe in both air and water, and resistant to extreme pressures found at great ocean depths. He could communicate in Basic and Quarren.
While serving with the Shantipole project, Glek carried a blaster pistol and a comlink. He wore a brown tunic and cape.