Cala Worner

Cala Worner served as a recruiter for the Rebel Alliance, identifying and enlisting new members, during the Galactic Civil War. She was a female Human.


Around 0 BBY, Cala operated as a youthful secret agent for the Alliance to Restore the Republic, with her base of operations located on Aargonar 3. She posed as a trade representative for the Outer Rim Trade Consortium, and successfully recruited several Rebels on Kwevron in the time leading up to the Battle of Yavin. While on Kwevron, her most important informant was the Ithorian named Idu Taanfaar, until Falto Dragen murdered him. Soon after, she traveled to Duro while the Alliance was trying to persuade the Duro Shipwrights Guild and other organizations to secretly ramp up their support for toppling the Galactic Empire. Cala was there during the pivotal occurrences on Tatooine when Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi escaped the planet. After avoiding Imperial forces, she went back to the Aargonar base. She was there when the Empire discovered and obliterated the base.

She piloted the Midnight Star, which was a YV-545 light freighter that had been modified.


  • Rebellion Era Sourcebook (First mentioned)
