Falto Dragen

Falto Dragen was a male Human stormtrooper officer, in service to the Galactic Empire during the time of the Galactic Civil War.


Dragen, starting as a lieutenant assigned to a garrison on the Outer Rim world of Kwevron during 0 BBY, discovered a hidden Rebel cell. He and his troopers eliminated the Rebel Idu Taanfaar and took Nuuk Kuur into custody, but were unsuccessful in capturing Cala Worner, a recruiter working for the Alliance. Cala, along with a group of previously uninvolved individuals, rescued Nuuk, which marked the beginning of a personal quest for the officer. Later that same year, coinciding with the arrival of the first Death Star in the Alderaan system, he and his unit received orders to transfer to Daroon, where he was unsuccessful in his attempt to arrest Alku Vordu, a senator who sympathized with the Rebellion. Despite the destruction of his homeworld, Dragen's loyalty to the Empire remained firm.

Nevertheless, he made a visit to the Graveyard to leave behind keepsakes in remembrance of his family. Imperial storm commandos kept watch on him and verified his continued loyalty. He took part in the occupation of Cloud City during 3 ABY.


  • Rebellion Era Sourcebook
