The moniker "Black Fleet" was applied to the battle group of the Imperial Navy that was under the command of Black Sword Command.
In the year 16 ABY, the New Republic began using the term to refer to the ships of Black Sword Command that had vanished within the Koornacht Cluster following the Battle of Endor. Later investigations revealed that the Yevetha natives of the Duskhan League had captured some of these vessels during the Imperial retreat in 4 ABY. The Yevetha continued to call their newly acquired navy the "Black Fleet," supplementing the captured ships with newly constructed vessels based on Imperial blueprints, as well as their own thrustships. The original number of ships assigned to Black Sword Command is unknown. However, intelligence retrieved from the wreckage of the Gnisnal in 16 ABY indicated that forty-four capital ships disappeared from Black Sword after Endor, including five front-line Star Destroyers and thirty-nine other ships either under construction or being repaired. All of these ships were at least the size of a 900m Victory-class vessel, and they included three Super Star Destroyers. Additionally, five Type II Orbital Repair Yards should be added to this count.
The Yevetha were known to have seized the Black Fifteen shipyard, which orbited their homeworld at N'zoth, along with nine Star Destroyers in varying states of completion and repair. They also captured a significant number of Imperial prisoners, who were held in a camp on Pa'aal. Another shipyard, Black Nine, was later reactivated by the Duskhan League at Prildaz, but it was destroyed during the Battle of ILC-905. By the time of the Great Purge, the Black Fleet consisted of roughly sixty capital ships of Imperial design. More Star Destroyers were being built at Black Nine when the shipyard was destroyed.
During the final stages of the Black Fleet Crisis in 17 ABY, Imperial prisoners who had survived launched a daring counter-offensive. Under the leadership of Major Sil Sorannan, they took control of every Imperial ship within the Duskhan League's fleet. Following their original orders, Sorannan's "Camp Pa'al Squadron" immediately retreated to Byss, but their paths diverged there. The majority of the Imperial crews surrendered their ships to the New Republic, but four Victory-class Star Destroyers joined the forces of Admiral Daala in the Deep Core, while two Star Destroyers and the EX-F sided with Admiral Gilad Pellaeon and the Imperial Remnant in the Outer Rim. The Intimidator itself vanished into the Unknown Regions, only to be discovered later as a derelict wreck. The Aramadia was reportedly scuttled in the Deep Core and subsequently recovered to N'zoth, where it was turned into a museum.
Super Star Destroyers
- Intimidator, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought, was renamed Pride of Yevetha and served as the Duskhan League's flagship.
- Aramadia, was designated as the personal flagship of Nil Spaar before becoming a museum ship on N'zoth.
- Another Super Star Destroyer, one other, was also present.
Imperial-class Star Destroyers
- Redoubtable sustained heavy damage at Endor and was still undergoing repairs at Black-15 when the Yevetha captured the shipyard. It was later renamed Destiny of Yevetha.
- At least three other vessels of this class participated in the battle of Doornik-319.
Victory-class Star Destroyers
- Harridan, the guardship stationed at N'zoth, was recalled to participate in the Battle of Notak, and it appears it was never captured by the Yevetha.
- Valorous was captured intact by the Yevetha, renamed Devotion of Yevetha, and later took part in the bombardment of Polneye.
Other capital ships
- New Republic Intelligence later revealed that the smallest class of ship within Camp Pa'aal Squadron was the 600m Immobilizer 418 interdictor.
- An "Interdictor Dreadnaught," the Imperator, was responsible for the capture of the New Republic shuttle Tampion.
- The interdictor present in the Yevethan fleet during the Battle of N'zoth was known as Splendor of Yevetha in Duskhan League service.
- An ex-Imperial corvette named Beauty of Yevetha was previously used by Nil Spaar to scout Koornacht, but it was destroyed in a kamikaze attack by Recon-X pilot Rone Taggar in 16 ABY.
- The engineering testbed EX-F, renamed Glory of Yevetha, was a Sorannan-class Star Destroyer.
- Alongside Devotion, mentioned earlier, ships named Liberty and Honor were involved at Polneye.
- A "battle cruiser" named Purity destroyed the survey ship Astrolabe at Doornik-1142.
- A "cruiser" named Star Dream was responsible for the destruction of New Brigia.
- A ship named Harramin was among the vessels from which the Imperials activated the slave circuitry that enabled them to regain control of the Black Fleet during the Battle of N'zoth.
Yevethan designs
- In addition to roughly sixty ships of Imperial design, the Duskhan League possessed hundreds of Aramadia-class thrustship, small but resilient capital ships based on pre-Imperial Yevethan designs enhanced with turbolasers, hyperdrives, and deflector shields. Known ships of this class included Nil Spaar's apparent flagship Aramadia, as well as the two guardships at Black Nine, Tholos and Rizaron.
- Black Fifteen at N'zoth was captured intact by the Yevetha and relocated to a more secure location within the cluster.
- Black Nine was moved by the Yevetha to Prildaz and destroyed during the Battle of ILC-905.
- Black Eight and Black Eleven were originally situated at the Yevethan worlds of Wakiza and Zhina.
- A fifth Type II yard, with an unknown designation, was also considered unaccounted for by New Republic Intelligence.
- The Duskhan League's primary starfighter was their own delta-wing design.
- Star Destroyers serving with the Yevetha also deployed some TIE Series variants, such as the TIE/rc scouts carried by Devotion.