Lieutenant Rone Taggar was a Human male who held the position of commander within the New Republic Fifth Fleet's 21st Recon Group. During the Battle of Endor, his mother, a Rebel Y-wing pilot, was shot down and killed by Imperial forces. In remembrance, he later named his starfighter, a Recon-X, Jennie Lee in her honor.
During the Black Fleet Crisis, the 21st Recon Group was dispatched to scout the Yevethan territories inside the Koornacht Cluster, and the lieutenant was tasked with monitoring N'zoth, the Yevethan capital world. While in orbit, the scanners on his fighter detected several Galactic Empire Star Destroyers, Aramadia-class thrustships, and the Executor-class Star Destroyer called Pride of Yevetha, as well as the shipyards of Black Fifteen. The R2-R unit aboard the Jennie Lee transmitted these scanner readings directly to Coruscant, where Chief of State Leia Organa Solo and various high-ranking military officials examined them. It maintained a constant trajectory while executing braking thruster maneuvers.
However, before his reconnaissance scan could be completed (with only thirty seconds remaining), the Yevethan corvette Beauty of Yevetha struck his fighter with ion cannon fire. Eighty-nine seconds later, a tractor beam pulled it in. Rather than allow himself to be captured, Lieutenant Taggar erased all data from the Recon-X's computers, triggered his R2-R unit to detonate, and then initiated the self-destruction of his fighter. The resulting explosion resulted in his death and the destruction of both the Jennie Lee and the Beauty of Yevetha.