The Black Eleven Fleet comprised Duskhan League warships. These vessels were stationed at Doornik-1142 during the initial period of the Black Fleet Crisis. The fleet's designation came from the captured Imperial shipyard known as Black Eleven.
Within the fleet was a captured Victory-class Star Destroyer, which was renamed the Devotion of Yevetha. Furthermore, the fleet contained at least three additional vessels of Imperial design, specifically, the Purity, the Blessings, and the Beauty of Yevetha. The Purity appeared to function as the command ship for the fleet, commanded by Primate Vol Noorr. In 16 ABY, when the New Republic scout vessel Astrolabe entered the Doornik-1142 system, the Purity destroyed it. This was done to prevent the fleet's discovery. Subsequently, the Devotion acted as the command ship at Polneye during the Yevethan Purge. Meanwhile, the corvette Beauty was positioned at N'zoth and was destroyed there by New Republic pilot Rone Taggar.
In 17 ABY, all the Imperial-designed ships within the Yevethan fleet were seized by surviving Black Sword personnel. These ships were then withdrawn to the Deep Core.
The novel Before the Storm indicates that the Yevetha were hiding at least one capital ship at Doornik-1142. In the sequel novel, Shield of Lies, the character Admiral Ackbar suggests that the system housed a captured Type II Orbital Repair Yard. However, the direct connection to the Black Eleven yard and the presence of a large fleet within the system are only explicitly mentioned in later reference works, such as the Star Wars Encyclopedia.
Although the Devotion and Beauty are specifically described as former Imperial ships captured from Black Sword Command in 4 ABY, the other named ships might have been newly constructed by the Yevetha, but using the old Imperial designs.
It is probable that two ships, the Liberty and the Honor, which accompanied the Devotion of Yevetha at Polneye, were part of the Black Eleven Fleet.
The capture of these ships and their relocation to the Deep Core can be deduced from the events described in the novel Tyrant's Test.
The reason for the fleet's name, taken from the Black Eleven yard, is not provided. The name could indicate the presence of ships captured alongside the shipyard at Zhina, new ships built later at the captured facility, or simply the use of the shipyard as a base for a mixed group of ships. The fleet might have included all the Imperial-designed vessels under Yevethan control.
The Encyclopedia does not explicitly state that the Black Eleven shipyard was located at Doornik-1142. It only mentions that a fleet named after the yard was stationed there. The novel Tyrant's Test mentions that a strong reconnaissance force from the New Republic Fifth Fleet was sent to the system to search for the shipyard, which was believed to be located there. However, there is no mention of any significant findings, unlike the discovery of Black Nine at ILC-905, which was given considerable importance. This may suggest that the yard was actually located elsewhere.