During the Clone Wars, in 22 BBY, a significant battle unfolded over Kothlis, a world that served as a Bothan colony. This confrontation pitted the forces of the Galactic Republic against those of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Upon arriving at Kothlis to engage in discussions with the Bothans, the Republic contingent was met by a fleet belonging to the Confederacy. However, the Separatist forces were compelled to withdraw after a relatively short engagement.
Subsequently, Yoda, the Jedi Grand Master, along with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's Padawan, initiated talks with Desark Fey'lya, the first secretary of the Bothans. Fey'lya expressed gratitude to the Jedi for their role in driving back the Separatist assault. Nevertheless, Tano sensed that the secretary had likely been the one to invite the Separatists in the first place, a suspicion she voiced to her fellow Jedi. Offended by Tano's accusation, Fey'lya declared that the Bothans, along with their Spynet, would offer their services to both factions involved in the conflict.
In the year 22 BBY, forces representing the Galactic Republic, which included multiple Venator-class Star Destroyers under the command of Admiral Wullf Yularen, journeyed to Kothlis, a world that served as a Bothan colony. The purpose of this trip was for Yoda, the Jedi Grand Master, to attempt negotiations with the Bothans regarding their allegiance to the Republic. However, upon their arrival at Kothlis, the Republic forces discovered a fleet belonging to the Confederate forces, consisting of Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ships, orbiting the planet under the command of a Neimoidian.

The Republic initiated an immediate assault on the Separatist vessels, deploying V-19 Torrent starfighters, BTL-B Y-wing starfighters, and a pair of Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptors piloted by Obi-Wan Kenobi, a High Jedi General, and Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi General. Skywalker and Kenobi, along with Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's Padawan—who was piloting one of the Y-wings with Captain CT-7567, known as Rex, serving as her gunner—engaged the Confederate Vulture Droid starfighters.
During a particular moment in the engagement, Kenobi's starfighter found itself under attack from two Vulture droids. Unable to evade them, Kenobi reached out to Skywalker for support. Skywalker advised Kenobi to descend towards the planet, thereby exposing the droids to Skywalker's counterattack. Following Skywalker's rescue of Kenobi, they both rejoined the primary battle. In the meantime, Tano independently targeted one of the Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ships and successfully destroyed it using proton torpedoes. Realizing that his forces were now outnumbered by those of the Republic, the Neimoidian commander panicked and gave the order for his task force to immediately retreat. Admiral Yularen inquired of Yoda whether he should pursue the fleeing Separatists, but Yoda advised against it. Instead, the Jedi Master instructed them to proceed with their original objective: to negotiate with the Bothans.

Yoda, Kenobi, Skywalker, and Tano soon made their way to the surface of Kothlis, where they convened with Desark Fey'lya, the first secretary of the Bothans. Fey'lya conveyed his appreciation to the Jedi for their intervention in saving Kothlis from the Separatists. However, Tano, utilizing the Force, sensed that the first secretary was being dishonest. She shared her suspicions with the other Jedi, suggesting that Fey'lya had likely been the one to invite the Separatists in the first place.
Taking offense at Tano's accusations, the first secretary departed, declaring that the Bothans would maintain a neutral stance and offer their spying capabilities to both the Republic and the Separatists. Subsequently, Skywalker informed Tano that he, Kenobi, and Yoda had also detected Fey'lya's deception but had chosen not to reveal it. Skywalker further explained to his Padawan that diplomacy sometimes requires allowing a falsehood to persist in order to achieve the mission's objectives. Yoda then made the decision that Tano should receive training in diplomacy and dispatched her, along with Skywalker and Kenobi, to negotiate a treaty with the Denfrandi people on the planet Taloraan.
The battle that occurred at Kothlis is depicted in The Clone Wars: The Wind Raiders of Taloraan, a graphic novel authored by John Ostrander, with illustrations by the Fillbach Brothers. It was released on May 27, 2009 by Dark Horse Comics.