Desark Fey'lya

Desark Fey'lya, a Bothan individual of the male persuasion, held the position of first secretary for the planet Kothlis throughout the era known as the Clone Wars.


Following a battle over Kothlis that occurred in 21 BBY, Fey'lya received a visit from a diplomatic team of Jedi. Yoda, the Grand Master, emphasized how crucial the Bothan Spynet was to the ongoing war. Yoda requested that Kothlis maintain its allegiance to the Republic. Fey'lya responded with great enthusiasm, expressing his gratitude to the Jedi for driving away the Separatist forces during the engagement. However, Ahsoka Tano, a padawan who was also there, perceived through the Force that Fey'lya's words were dishonest. She voiced her suspicion that Fey'lya might have been the one who initially invited the Separatists. This was seen as offensive by the Bothan group. Subsequently, Fey'lya declared that both Kothlis and the Bothan spynet would adopt a position of neutrality in the war, and then departed with his delegation.

