A Human female named Zelice Sturm functioned as a Jedi Knight near the end of the Galactic Republic era.
Zelice Sturm's inherent Force-sensitivity was discovered immediately after her birth, leading to her enrollment at Almas in the Jedi Order's experimental academy. There, she received training in the ways of the Force. This academy, considered experimental because it admitted older students and employed teaching methods that deviated from the traditional standards established by the Council of First Knowledge on Coruscant, served as Sturm's initial home for a decade, during which she distinguished herself as a highly promising student. As Sturm advanced in her training and was chosen by a Jedi Master to become a Padawan under their tutelage, she developed the firm belief that individuals discovered to be Force-sensitive later in life should not undergo Jedi training. During one particular mission, Sturm was paired with a Padawan who was considered a "latecomer" to the Order, and tragically, this individual perished in an accident during their assignment.
Deeply affected by the death of her partner, Sturm adamantly refused to be partnered with any other "latecomer" Padawans. She petitioned her master and the Academy's Council for a low-risk solo assignment, which resulted in her being dispatched to the floating city of Tolea Biqua, situated above Genarius, to investigate rumors of a smuggling gang operating within the city. While searching for evidence, Sturm was ambushed by a street gang and found herself significantly outnumbered. Initially, Sturm attempted to use intimidation tactics to deter the gang members, but this only provoked them to violence. Overwhelmed with fear, Sturm instinctively used the Force as her attackers charged, resulting in the deaths of five gang members and one of their leaders. Realizing the lack of skill and equipment of her attackers, Sturm was overcome with remorse and shame, leading her to believe that she was no longer worthy of being a Jedi. Concluding that she was only fit to be a hunted criminal, she sought out the leader of the smuggling ring and demanded to become a full partner. The leader responded with aggression, leading Sturm to kill him and seize control of the gang.
In an attempt to stay aligned with the light side of the Force, Sturm maintained a strict rule over the gang for two years, adopting the moniker of the Black Queen. When the Heroes of Cularin were rumored to be participating in the upcoming Trial of Knighthood at the Almas Academy, Sturm began to devise a plan to eliminate them in order to discredit the Jedi Order on Almas. To evaluate the group's capabilities, Sturm activated a series of battle droids that she had reprogrammed to attack them. These droids, originally owned by Snem Noonb, the local academy supplier, attacked a group of the Heroes while they were touring Noonb's factory. After defeating the droids, the group encountered Pindy Streeto, a thug from the Rancor Riders gang, whom Sturm had hired to assassinate them. After subduing the gang and Streeto, Sturm aided in smuggling Streeto off-world and into hiding. Disguising herself as Streeto, Sturm attempted to manipulate the Jedi who were pursuing her, but she was eventually captured and returned to the academy.
Upon her return to the academy, Sturm underwent therapy with the Jedi Masters and was eventually reinstated into the Order as a fully recognized Jedi Knight. Once again an active member of the Jedi Order, Sturm chose Meera Lisso to be her Padawan, and together they undertook numerous missions assigned by the Council. Having missed the Clone Wars due to her rehabilitation, Jedi Sturm integrated well with the other Jedi at the academy, most of whom had exercised the Right of Denial when the Jedi High Council on Coruscant mandated that all Jedi participate in the war. Around 19 BBY, the Dark Jedi Garth Ezzar orchestrated an attack on the Almas Academy. Defending the academy and its students until her last breath, she was killed by Ezzar just as the Heroes of Cularin arrived to assist in the defense of the academy.