Zebitrope VIII

Zebitrope VIII, a terrestrial world, could be found within the Zebitrope system. This system resided in the Centrality sector, which itself was a portion of the Outer Rim Territories known as the Slice. Within its star system, Zebitrope VIII was the eighth planet in orbit. The star system of Zebitrope VIII was linked to the Cadma system through the Cadma Conduit hyperlane. Zebitrope VIII is classified as a planet according to established legends and is found in the Outer Rim Territories. The planet Zebitrope VIII was the natural habitat for a unique species of lizard. These lizards had their origins on Zebitrope IV. A symbiotic mold grew exclusively on the backs of these reptiles, creating a unique bond. This mold was the sole source of lesai, a highly sought-after illegal drug. Consequently, smugglers frequented Zebitrope VIII after completing the infamous Kessel Run spice-trafficking route. The lizard originated on Zebitrope IV.

Behind the scenes

Zebitrope VIII made its debut in "A Campaign Guide to the Centrality," a source article for the Wizards of the Coast roleplaying game. Michael Kogge was the author of this article, which was published in Star Wars Gamer 5 on July 24, 2001.

A 1990 roleplaying game source article, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," featured in Voyages SF 13, had previously placed the Zebitrope system, and thus Zebitrope VIII, within the Zebitrope sector. However, because this article wasn't released under the Lucas Licensing umbrella, its canonicity within the Star Wars Legends continuity remained unconfirmed. Later, in 2009, The Essential Atlas reference book superseded the Voyages SF 13 placement by establishing the Zebitrope system's location as grid square T-8 within the Centrality.


Notes and references
