Yowvetch custard-filled donut

Yowvetch custard-filled donuts were a specific variety of donut that contained yowvetch custard as a filling. Besalisk chef Dexter Jettster's Crisp-E-O donut droid possessed the recipe for these donuts, stored within its database of 2400 donut recipes. This droid prepared the donuts daily, using its internal oil fryer in accordance with traditional Adarian techniques. These donuts were then offered at Dex's Diner, an eatery located in the CoCo Town area of the planet Coruscant and owned by Jettster. Due to their widespread popularity and Jettster's personal fondness for them, Yowvetch custard-filled donuts were consistently available at Dex's, priced at 1.7 credits apiece. The diner served them until its destruction within the initial two years of the Galactic Empire's rule.

Behind the scenes

The 2009 StarWars.com Hyperspace exclusive article titled "Dining at Dex's," written by Gregory Walker, an in-universe menu for Dex's Diner, featured Yowvetch custard-filled donuts.


  • Dining at Dex's on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
