Xerton Nine

Xerton Nine was a celestial entity situated in the ninth orbital position within the Xerton system, which itself resided in Wild Space. This astronomical object was part of that system. The Braxant Run hyperlane provided a connection between the Xerton system and the Qonto system. The title of Grand Magnus was held by a person originating from Xerton Nine sometime after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY.

In a scandoc released around that time that detailed mercenary strategies, Andrephan Stormcaller, a former colonel from the New Republic military, stated that a mercenary with properly forged credentials, especially those made with an ID processor, could convincingly pose as anyone, ranging from an Imperial customs inspector to the Grand Magnus of Xerton Nine.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of Xerton Nine occurred in "Blasters for Hire," a source article for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game from 1994 that was authored by Anthony P. Russo and featured in Star Wars Adventure Journal 3. The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009, located the Xerton system, and consequently Xerton Nine, within grid square J-3.


Notes and references
