Andrephan Stormcaller functioned as an officer within the Rebel Alliance.
Hailing from Entralla and possessing light eyes, this Human named Stormcaller excelled in tactics and possessed extensive combat experience. Falsifying his age, he enlisted in the military at the young age of 15. Following service in numerous conflicts, the Delephran militia eventually commissioned him to train their commanders and aid in eliminating piracy along the Vexta Belt. Subsequently, the Imperial military absorbed the militia, compelling Stormcaller into service. He spent a period of three years at the Imperial Academy before ultimately choosing to defect and join the Rebel Alliance.
Working alongside Airen Cracken, he played a key role in the development of SpecForces units for use by the Alliance. Furthermore, he spearheaded the development of the SpecForces Infiltrator units, even serving within one of these units for a period.
In 2 ABY, with his brown hair beginning to gray, Stormcaller held a position as a member of the Task Force on Alliance Security. He authored reports concerning the Guiteica Militia, asserting that their equipment was far too outdated to pose a significant threat to the Alliance. He also expressed surprise that Quaal Tavier Catharius, a leader of the Militia and a staunch opponent of the Republic, would utilize so many machines designed by the Republic.
During the era of the New Republic, Stormcaller became disillusioned when the government declined to offer assistance to his home planet after its capture by the Pentastar Alignment. Consequently, he made the decision to abandon his service to the New Republic and establish his own mercenary organization, known as the Red Moons.
As the leader of the Red Moons, Stormcaller delegated to Sully Tigereye the command of a rescue mission targeting the children of the ambassador of Cantras Gola, who had been abducted by the Karazak Slavers Cooperative as a means of blackmailing the politician. The mission achieved success.
Stormcaller possessed traits of loyalty and charm. He demonstrated brilliance as a tactician, capable of planning and executing diverse missions. He was known to have a habitual use of Shento cigars.