The X-TIE Fighter represented a cobbled-together starfighter of the Ugly class, constructed from salvaged components of a T-65 X-wing starfighter and a TIE/LN starfighter. This spacecraft incorporated the main body and engine systems from an X-wing, along with solar collection panels borrowed from a TIE Fighter. These panels took the place of the standard X-wing's S-foils.

Typically, the X-TIE Fighter was armed with a pair of laser cannons situated on the fuselage, in the same location where the X-wing's proton torpedo launchers would normally be. However, some variations featured the X-wing's lasers mounted on the hull, while others sacrificed one laser cannon to retain a single warhead launcher. A significantly improved model, known as the X-ceptor, utilized solar panels from a TIE interceptor, granting it a similar level of firepower to a standard X-wing. In line with many other uglies, its space-worthiness was questionable, and it was primarily used by groups like pirates, smugglers, and other factions lacking sufficient funds. While they could pose a threat to defenseless commercial ships, a single legitimate starfighter could easily eliminate these ships in large numbers.
It is documented that the Corellian Defense Forces made use of Uglies, including the X-TIE, during the chaotic aftermath of the Empire's collapse. Belindi Kalenda, an agent of New Republic Intelligence, piloted one of these craft to escape the Corellian system and deliver a warning to the New Republic just prior to the onset of the Corellian Crisis.