Here are some possible meanings of the term Wraith:
- The species known as Defel are sometimes called Wraiths.
- There was a Wraith who was employed by Niles Ferrier.
- The New Republic had a commando unit and X-wing squadron called Wraith Squadron.
- One instance of a Wraith can be found within the ranks of the Death Watch.
- Jigger Wraith was a bounty hunter active after the Great Sith War.
- Space wraiths are parasitic creatures.
- The Wraith was an Imperial operative during the early New Republic era.
- Wraith pirates were observed attacking Tinoon Station.
- Kivan wraiths are shadow wraiths of the Kivan species.
- Dark Side wraiths are specters formed from dark side energy.
- Force Wraiths are nonsentient constructs of the dark side of the Force.
- Zora, a member of Havoc Squad, used the codename "Wraith".
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