The Dark Side wraiths represented the remnants of what were once six rulers from a forgotten jungle planet, the same world where the Dark Side pyramids stood. These beings were spectral shadows, echoes of the ancient Dark Side priests who subsisted in a state of near-death, sustained by the potent dark side energies emanating from the Altar of the Dark Side. Only those sensitive to Force-sensitive could perceive them.
A team of Rebels, under the guidance of a Jedi, landed on the jungle planet and advanced toward the pyramids, and the wraiths launched a series of attacks. Their initial assault occurred when the Rebels approached within a kilometer of the pyramids. This was primarily a test to gauge the Jedi's power, revealing his mastery of the Alter aspect of the Force and his knowledge of controlling pain.
Following this initial encounter, the wraiths allowed the Rebels to proceed to the plaza at the base of the pyramids, where they intended to ascend the tallest pyramid housing the altar. At this point, each wraith targeted a specific individual with a personalized attack. One wraith attempted to drive a Rebel to suicide by making him believe he was a failure and a disgrace to his family. Another tried to convince a Rebel that a companion was an Imperial spy who needed to be killed. Still another attempted to manipulate a Rebel into assaulting a companion by falsely claiming the companion had stolen his fiancé. Despite these psychological attacks, the Rebels persevered and climbed the pyramid, only to face another assault at the summit. As they prepared to detonate explosives to destroy the altar, the wraiths attacked again, this time resorting to telekinesis to hurl rocks at the group, mirroring their previous destruction of an Interstellar Survey Corps ship's crew.
Ultimately, the Rebels triumphed over the wraiths by detonating explosives on the Altar of the Dark Side. This act freed the trapped souls and permanently banished the wraiths.
- " Shadow of the Dark Side " — Challenge 65 (First appearance) (Unlicensed)