Wkk'e was a Mist-Weaver of old, a female who, together with Awglk and Shareen, found herself stuck within an exogorth ages prior to the time of the New Republic era. To endure their confinement within the exogorth, Wkk'e and her Mist-Weaver companions created a cocoon for themselves to decelerate the passage of time. Ultimately, the cocooned Mist-Weavers were found by Jedi Luke Skywalker and a female biologist hailing from the University of Bar'leth. Following a conversation with Luke Skywalker, the Mist Weavers consented to his releasing them from their cocoon by using his lightsaber to strike it, which resulted in a substantial burst of energy that liberated the pair from the exogorth, but at the expense of the Mist-Weaver's lives.