A dark-side Force power known as waves of darkness involved the conjuration of tangible darkness, often visibly thick and accompanied by loud, booming sounds, through Sith magic. This power was wielded by individuals skilled in Sith sorcery (in Legends continuity). Exposure to these waves caused intense despair and confusion, eventually compelling beings to flee if subjected to the spell's effects for a prolonged period.
The sorceress-Queen Amanoa employed this technique in 4000 BBY against the Beast Riders and their Beast-Lord Oron Kira during the final battle of the planet Onderon's Beast Wars. Later, the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus utilized this power against Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, in 23 BBY.
To summon waves of darkness using ancient Sith magic, a sorcerer needed to tap into the deep well of negative emotions within themselves. Channeling the power of the Force, they unleashed their emotions in surges of dark-side energy that expanded rapidly in a spherical aura. This manifested physically, causing the atmosphere to become heavy with negative energy or visibly shrouded in darkness, whether indoors or outdoors. A thunderous roar often accompanied the spreading darkness. Those caught within the area of effect would immediately experience intense horror, pain, and confusion. Victims were tormented by dark-side whispers, leading to hopelessness, and prolonged exposure sapped their will to fight. Jedi and other users of the light felt stifled, as if their connection to the Force was being suppressed.
Sith sorcerers used waves of darkness in combat to disable opponents. However, a Force user proficient in Jedi battle meditation could negate the spell's debilitating effects.

Freedon Nadd, a former Dark Lord of the Sith who once ruled Onderon, was capable of summoning waves of darkness. Almost four centuries after Nadd's death, in 4000 BBY, the sorceress-Queen Amanoa unleashed darkness against the army of the Beast Riders—Onderonian rebels led by Beast-Lord Oron Kira—and their Jedi allies during the final battle of Onderon's Beast Wars. Her enemies were immediately overwhelmed by agony and despair as the oppressive darkness spread rapidly within the royal palace of Iziz. Outside, Kira's forces were incapacitated by severe pain and the encroaching darkness.
Kira, previously unaffected, was suddenly overcome by the dark side's power, prompting the royal scribe Novar to reinforce Amanoa's dark-side assault, strengthening its grip on Kira. Only the arrival of Jedi Master Arca Jeth and his use of battle meditation dispelled the darkness from Onderon's skies. Amanoa's use of waves of darkness against Kira's forces was documented in The Essential Chronology, a historical record compiled by the Historical Council of the New Republic and released in 25 ABY, as well as in The New Essential Chronology, its second edition released in 36 ABY.

In 23 BBY, Darth Tyranus, a Sith Lord, in league with the dead Dark Lords of Korriban, unleashed waves of dark energy against the Jedi Order team sent to Korriban to apprehend galactic criminals Granta Omega and Jenna Zan Arbor. In the Dreshdae spaceport, Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, felt overwhelmed by waves of darkness and fleeting dark-side visions. Deep within the Great Temple's abandoned Sith Academy, Kenobi experienced a suffocating darkness that seemed to invade his lungs, hindering his breathing.
As the eight Jedi entered the Valley of the Dark Lords, they were assaulted by pervasive dark waves, requiring immense effort to overcome their oppressive effects. Upon entering the Valley's ancient mausoleums, the Jedi were further attacked by dark-wave whispers, corpse visions, and dark energy traps amidst the tombs of the Sith Lords.
Waves of darkness debuted in the second issue of Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon, the first story arc of Tales of the Jedi released in 1993. Written by Tom Veitch, penciled by Chris Gossett, and published by Dark Horse Comics on November 16, 1993.
In roleplaying game mechanics, using dark-side waves against a sentient player character automatically awards Dark Side points. The area of effect varies with difficulty: 1 to 2 meters for moderate, 3 to 10 meters for difficult, 11 to 20 meters for very difficult, and 21 to 30 meters for heroic.