A corpse vision was a [dark-side](link url) [Force ability](link url), similar to [invoke spirits](link url). It was created through [Sith sorcery](link url) by a [Sith sorcerer](link url), and it summoned the [spirits](link url) of [dead](link url) [Dark Lords](link url). This power manipulated the [Force sense](link url) of [Force-sensitive individuals](link url) to generate [mind-tricking](link url) illusions. The Sith spell would transform corpses into personal images from the Force-sensitive's history, delivering distorted and potentially harmful messages.
In [23 BBY](link url), [Darth Tyranus](link url), allied with the deceased [Dark Lords](link url) of [Korriban](link url), used these mind-altering corpse visions against the [Jedi Order](link url) team [dispatched](link url) to Korriban. Their mission was to locate the galactic criminals [Granta Omega](link url) and [Jenna Zan Arbor](link url). As the Jedi team of eight entered the [Valley of the Dark Lords](link url), they were bombarded by [waves of darkness](link url). These oppressive effects required significant effort to overcome. Upon entering the Valley's ancient burial chambers, the Jedi were simultaneously attacked by dark whispers and corpse visions within the [tombs](link url) of the Sith Lords. [Darth Tyranus](link url) summoned these visions to repel the Jedi from the Valley, where he planned to meet with Omega and Zan Arbor to form an "alliance". [Padawan](link url) [Anakin Skywalker](link url) was subjected to a corpse vision of his mother, [Shmi](link url) (accompanied by Sith whispers claiming that the Jedi kept him from her and took him away). [Obi-Wan Kenobi](link url) saw his deceased [Master](link url) [Qui-Gon Jinn](link url) (who Sith-whispered that Obi-Wan had failed him). The other Jedi experienced similar visions. Following this, they encountered not only an undead platoon of [Korriban zombies](link url), but also [dark energy traps](link url), which they (except for Skywalker) avoided due to Kenobi's warning.