Warehouse 59, a facility situated on the planet Travnin, was the property of the Nadir Corporation. In the era of the Galactic Civil War, Neena engaged the services of a smuggler and their team for a covert operation: to penetrate the warehouse and abscond with prototype versions of an innovative holocorder design. The team successfully gained entry to the warehouse and acquired the holocorders without any complications. However, their attempt to secretly take a Thelman Converter for their own purposes led to an unexpected encounter with a security droid, whose presence was masked by the surrounding clamor. This encounter triggered an alert, causing all other security droids to converge on their location and the facility's gates to seal shut. Despite these challenges, the team reached the converters, commandeered a repulsorlift truck, and made their escape. Although pursued by several security droids, the droids were restricted to the warehouse perimeter by their pre-programmed directives.
- " Parts is Parts " — Challenge 68 (Unlicensed)