Nadir Corporation, situated on Travnin, was a diverse organization specializing in electronics and robotics. They also maintained a small, entirely droid-operated starship construction facility at Travnin Spaceport. What set them apart was the fact that droids managed the entire corporation, with organic beings restricted to roles in sales and designing personal holo gear – their most lucrative product line. Their technology was infamous for its poor quality and frequent breakdowns. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, they engineered a significantly enhanced holocorder model. The prototypes were kept within Warehouse 59, but a smuggler and his team, in the employ of Neena, absconded with over a hundred of these, along with a Thelman Converter. Unbeknownst to the thieves, Nadir Corporation had secretly attached tracking devices to the prototypes, and subsequently dispatched assassin droids to retrieve them. The smuggler's team successfully neutralized the droids, retreated to their vessel, and installed the Thelman Converter. However, when the group attempted to jump to hyperspace, the converter failed, triggering another homing beacon, which caused a small vessel to pursue the group's ship.
- " Parts is Parts " — Challenge 68 (Unlicensed)