Veeter, a merchant of the Squib species, plied his trade across the galaxy. During the year 3 ABY, Veeter believed he had successfully bartered for ownership of a Lone Scout-A scout vessel, which was being held at an Imperial supply base. However, the Imperial forces did not acknowledge the legitimacy of his claim to the ship, and as he attempted to leave with it, they opened fire upon him. In a desperate attempt to escape, he initiated a haphazard jump to hyperspace, which resulted in a forced landing on the remote planet of Dalicron-4. Once there, he desperately searched for the necessary components to repair his damaged ship, but his efforts proved futile. With no prospects for profitable trades and without a functioning vessel, he became increasingly despondent and sought refuge in the local tavern located in the settlement of Dalia.
In the year 3 ABY, specifically four months after Han Solo was encased in carbonite, Veeter made a stop at Kwenn Space Station while en route to another destination. He put his Squib skills to work, engaging in several trades while present. One of these transactions involved acquiring a ship along with its cargo, which was being stored at an Imperial supply depot. This newly acquired ship turned out to be a Lone Scout-A scout vessel.
The Imperials, however, held a different view of the situation. As Veeter attempted to depart from the station, he was met with enemy fire and sustained damage to his ship. In a state of panic, he entered random coordinates into his nav computer and initiated a jump to lightspeed. Upon exiting hyperspace, the Squib found himself in close proximity to an unfamiliar planet. Veeter began to assess the damage to his newly acquired vessel, but soon realized that the Lone Scout was on an unavoidable course towards the planet below. He attempted to navigate the ship through the atmosphere, but the ship suffered significant damage to its internal systems and solar fins.
Fortunately, Veeter was able to identify a suitable landing area near a small settlement on the planet's surface and managed to execute a crash landing, which further damaged the already fragile ship, but at least he survived. As a result of the crash, the Lone Scout experienced multiple system failures, including its hyperdrive.
Veeter made his way to the town and discovered that he was in Dalia, the largest settlement on Dalicron-4, located in the Outer Rim within the Dalicron sector. The scavenger made inquiries about purchasing starship components, but in a town with a population of only around 100 sentients, this proved to be a challenging endeavor. Discouraged by his lack of success, the Squib's spirits began to sink. He became a frequent patron of Daz's Tavern, where he sought solace in his drink and attempted to forget his troubles.
Veeter's inability to fix his ship, coupled with the scarcity of trading opportunities on Dalicron-4, caused his behavior to deviate significantly from typical Squib characteristics: he became depressed and isolated, rarely speaking unless directly addressed (and even then, only if the person persisted). He spent much of his time at Daz's Tavern in Dalia, drowning his sorrows in alcohol. Despite the circumstances that led to his arrival on the remote planet, Veeter refused to accept that he had stolen the Lone Scout; he firmly believed that he had acquired it through a legitimate trade.