Lone Scout-A

The Lone Scout-A, a scout vessel, incorporated technologies akin to the TIE Series starships, most notably the TIE/sr starfighter. Initially produced by Republic Sienar Systems, its manufacturing was later taken over by Sienar Fleet Systems and their civilian branch, Sienar Ships. This vessel served as an exploration craft for both the Galactic Empire and the New Republic, in addition to civilian scouts.


The Scout-A, a civilian version drawing inspiration from the TIE/sr starfighter, was designed for solo operation but could accommodate three passengers, with enough consumables for a year-long journey. Its cargo hold provided 60 cubic meter of space, capable of carrying 150 metric tons of goods. For defense, it featured shields and a single laser cannon, alongside a Class 2 hyperdrive and a Class 15 backup hyperdrive. While equipped with a high-quality sensor array, its sensitivity was less than that of the military TIE/sr.

Being among the earliest ships to utilize the groundbreaking Twin Ion Engine design, its cockpit and sublight engines were indicative of future Sienar designs. Core technologies mirrored those found in the TIE starfighter family. However, its substantial passenger and cargo capacity resulted in a significantly larger size compared to later starfighters, reaching a length of 24 meters.


The intended purpose of the Lone Scout-A was to explore the uncharted territories of the galaxy.


Unlike the TIE series, the Lone Scout-A was accessible to, and widely adopted by, the civilian market. It also saw service with the Imperial Survey Corps and, later, the New Republic Bureau of Scouting and Exploration Services.

Around 7 ABY, the Dark Side magician named Dhar Bullwin utilized a customized Lone Scout-A, known as the Logrus, as his personal transport. This vessel had a quad laser turret fitted above the cockpit, along with some external modifications to its hull. Painted flat black in color, it also boasted modified engines for enhanced speed and maneuverability, in addition to an emergency escape pod attached to the underside.

Another version, designated the Lone Scout A-2, was also developed. It featured an improved backup hyperdrive and a new deep scan sensor array.

