The LSA-2, also known as the Lone Scout A-2, represented a modified version of the Lone Scout-A scout vessel.
While retaining a design akin to the Lone Scout-A, the Lone Scout A-2 featured an enhanced backup hyperdrive along with a more advanced deep scan sensor array. Nevertheless, these enhancements resulted in a decrease of twenty-five metric tons in the LSA-2's cargo carrying capacity.
The Imperial Navy, the Imperial Survey Corps, and subsequently the New Republic's Bureau of Scouting and Exploration Services all utilized the Lone Scout A-2.
The Death Star dispatched Lone Scout A-2 vessels to investigate the assertions made by Princess Leia Organa regarding the location of the primary Alliance to Restore the Republic base on the planet of Dantooine. Due to its popularity, the Lone Scout A-2 was adopted by the New Republic's Scout Service. The New Republic employed the Lone Scout A-2 for typical exploratory expeditions into Wild Space. Typically, these vessels were operated by a pilot and a specialist, but the available space enabled the ship to perform diverse mission types.
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