A pilot, who was a male and in service to the Galactic Empire, operated the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle known as the Furious.
He held the Lieutenant rank by 5 ABY.
During that year, his orders were to retrieve the droid 8t88 from the moon of Nar Shaddaa. The droid was conducting business there for the Dark Jedi Jerec.
Upon 8t88's arrival at Launch Deck Three, the shuttle materialized shortly thereafter. The droid then contacted the pilot via radio, praising his impeccable timing and promising to inform his superiors of his promptness. At that moment, the pilot noticed that Kyle Katarn, a client whom 8t88 had attempted to betray, was chasing 8t88. Consequently, 8t88 instructed the pilot to lower the Furious' ramp instead of landing, enabling 8t88 to board swiftly.
Following a brief exchange of fire, a Stormtrooper from the shuttle aided the wounded droid in boarding. The Stormtrooper also shot one of the droid's bodyguards who tried to follow them to the lock. Subsequently, the pilot piloted the Furious away from the landing platform.