Furious (Lambda-class)

title: Furious

The Lambda-class T-4a shuttle named Furious was utilized by 8t88, the droid information broker. A pilot and at least one Stormtrooper comprised its crew.


The shuttle was scheduled to retrieve the droid 8t88 from the moon Nar Shaddaa in 5 ABY. The droid was conducting business there on behalf of the Dark Jedi Jerec.

Upon 8t88's arrival at Launch Deck Three, the shuttle promptly appeared. The droid contacted the pilot via radio, praising the pilot's impeccable timing and promising to inform the pilot's superiors of their promptness. Kyle Katarn, a client whom 8t88 had attempted to deceive, was in pursuit of 8t88. To facilitate a rapid boarding, 8t88 instructed the pilot to deploy Furious' ramp instead of landing.

Katarn succeeded in severing 8t88's arm, but a Stormtrooper stationed on the shuttle assisted the droid in boarding. As the walkway began to retract, the shuttle ascended. One of 8t88's hired bodyguards, a woman attempting to reach the lock to evade Katarn, was shot off the ramp by a stormtrooper at the top. Subsequently, the pilot piloted the Furious away from the landing platform.

