A soldier of the Mon Calamari species participated in the Galactic Civil War as part of the New Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry. Around 5 ABY, during the 61st's deployment to the planet of Troithe, this soldier, along with approximately six other infantry members, had a meeting with some New Republic pilots. In their discussions, the Mon Calamari voiced a desire for the deceased Emperor Palpatine to have lived so he could be put on trial for the crimes he committed.
During the time of the Galactic Civil War, a Mon Calamari served within the ranks of the New Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry as an infantry soldier. The 61st fought against the Galactic Empire's forces on the ecumenopolis planet Troithe circa 5 ABY. One night, this Mon Calamari [soldier](/article/new_republic_soldier], together with a group of about six other infantry members from the 61st, convened with pilots belonging to the New Republic's Alphabet Squadron at a spaceport that housed a refugee camp. The soldiers consumed Imperial rations distributed by the pilot Nath Tensent, and the Mon Calamari remained close to Sergeant Zab for the majority of the conversations that followed.
When the soldiers deliberated on what actions they would take regarding the body of the late Emperor Palpatine, who had died during the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, had it been found, the Mon Calamari expressed a wish that the Emperor had survived. The soldier wanted Palpatine to face a trial for his offenses, with the hope that it would instill fear of the New Republic's justice in other Imperials. Sergeant Vitale responded by suggesting that Imperials put on trial after Palpatine might argue they were not as bad as him.
This Mon Calamari was missing an eye; one side of the soldier's face featured an eye socket approximately the size of a fist instead. The infantry soldier's desire was for Emperor Palpatine to have been tried and executed, as a means of instilling fear in other Imperials.
The Mon Calamari soldier made an appearance in Shadow Fall, a 2020 novel penned by Alexander Freed.