Tyed Kant

Tyed Kant, located in the Core Worlds close to Demophon, was an inhabited gas giant. It existed as the sole planet within the Kantel system.


A small zone capable of supporting life existed in the upper reaches of Tyed Kant's atmosphere, where breathing was possible. This discovery spurred the creation of floating ranches, which were held aloft by repulsorlift generators, to utilize the atmosphere's rich nutrients. These floating ranches blanketed half of the visible surface of the planet. Despite being within the habitable zone, Tyed Kant's air was a complex mixture of numerous elements. This resulted in an environment that fostered the growth of bacteria and disease. Consequently, the use of environment suits was advised at all times, even though the air could sustain humanoid life. The most commonly seen indigenous species were the Iagoin, creatures of limited intelligence that drifted among the gaseous clouds.


In pursuit of independence, it withdrew from the Galactic Republic shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, only to then be seized by the Commerce Guild. It served as the central hub for Imperial Meats and Produce.


Almost all of Tyed Kant's residents resided in Paragon, a hovering, disk-shaped metropolis filled with skyscrapers. The planet's main export was its aeroponically cultivated foodstuffs, primarily destined for the neighboring Demophon system. However, as the predicted supernova of Demophon approached, the inhabitants of Tyed Kant grew increasingly anxious to secure new markets.

For roughly 30 days each year, the planet traversed the belts of stellar debris within the Kantel system. During this time, crop cultivation ceased, the spaceport restricted access to emergency personnel only, protective deflector shields were activated, and the entire planet celebrated an extended holiday known as the Starlight Festival.

