
Demophon, situated within the Core Worlds, served as the principal world of the Demophon system. You could find it there. This planet featured two major landmasses, specifically Junno and Klis, both of which were surrounded by a large ocean. It got its name from Alres Demophon, who helped start the Republic Scout Service.


Due to the wealth of unique resources available, Demophon was a highly industrialized world, boasting numerous industrial facilities. Before its eventual destruction during the Galactic Civil War, the sun of Demophon was unstable and nearing a supernova event. Because of the resulting radiation, all urban areas had to be completely enclosed by transparent domes constructed from neutronium alloy. The planet, devoid of its natural ecosystem, is now a desolate wasteland. Temperatures outside of the cities varied significantly, ranging from 35 degrees Celsius to as low as -40 degrees Celsius.


Humans first settled on Demophon "hundreds of generations" before the Galactic Civil War took place. Back in 22 BBY, scientists predicted that Demophon's sun would go supernova within approximately 50 to 75 standard years. The Demophon Council chose not to comment on these findings, which showed how little the planet's people cared. Ultimately, the star exploded as a supernova late in the Galactic Civil War. The system's inhabitants attempted to flee the impending disaster, but the Galactic Empire had already disabled the system's stellar observatory, making escape impossible.

Shankti Drive Works and TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated both had their main offices there.


Demophon lacked any known indigenous species and was primarily inhabited by Humans. The majority of residents were employed by the various laboratories and factories, serving for five-year contracts. A period of service on Demophon was highly regarded on an Imperial citizen's official record. While employees received free food, clothing, and lodging, along with high wages, there were significant drawbacks, including a strictly controlled lifestyle with frequent security checks, curfews, restrictions on gatherings of more than ten individuals, and regulations governing almost every aspect of life.

Society was divided into three distinct classes. The managerial class, which included the management council reporting directly to the Imperial governor, was the wealthiest. Laborers made up the middle class and, while not as affluent as the managerial class, were still well taken care of. The Sla Kar, a slave class comprised of the impoverished and criminals, were used for demanding manual labor.

